Investing Your Time to Become Productive

Chong Chen
Efficient time management
2 min readOct 2, 2017

“The key is in not spending time, but investing it” — Stephen R. Covey

Can we tell ourselves that we are going to complete all the task that is needed for that day? Let’s not do that because we all know the answer to that question. The better question is “How can we be more productive with our time?”

There are many ways to be productive with time but it’s just how we use that time to be productive. Being productive can mean more than one thing. It can mean just doing work in general that’s not related to anything. In a general sense, it’s just using up time to do something. Many people are productive but don’t know how to use time management.

“If you plan the day the night before you’ll be amazed at how much your overall productivity skyrockets” — Srinivas Rao

This quote explains all the different aspects of being productive and having efficient time management. What this quote means is planning ahead in your daily life can help you and myself know what needs to do be done the next day. We don’t need to figure it out the day and be all over the place. Knowing what is needed to do but planning ahead is what we all need to adapt to. Productivity comes from planning. We can’t be productive if we don’t plan out our daily schedule. Which correlates to time management. We can’t be manage time well if we can’t be productive. Being productive is the bridge that connects time management and goals together.

In my daily life, I try to practice how I can manage time better. I need to concentrate more on being more productive in order to bring out the full extent being efficient. It’s hard to be efficient at managing time because there is just so much to do. I’v learned to plan out my weekly schedule and adding to it and trying to be as productive as possible and it’s been working out fine with. I can utilize my time with all the other things I need to do and keep my work going. People in general just need to take the first step and plan out their week. In doing so, you can be productive and efficient with time. Not wasting any last drop of time that is valuable.

Source: Srinivas R. (2017, January 18). Why Planning Your Day the Night Before Drastically Increases Your Productivity. [Blog post]. Retrieved from

