Eidoo App: more than 30k downloads in 1 week

Amelia Tomasicchio
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2017
Eidoo app reached 30.000 dowloads

The last time we talked about the Eidoo app number of downloads was less than a week ago, on October 3rd.

On that day, the Eidoo app reached 5500+ downloads on both iOS and Android devices from all around the world.

5467 came from Google Play Store and about 200 from App Store.

30.000 downloads in less than 1 week

Today — October 9th — we reached a new high, hitting a total number of downloads of 30.000 of which 24.000 only in the last few days.

The following chart represents lifetime installs by users on Android only:

Lifetime Eidoo app Installs by users on Android

As for iOS, the Eidoo app still has fewer downloads (about 3000). This is explained by it being published later on the App store compared to the one on the Google Play Store.


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