How the Eidoo ICO Engine works and how to verify yourself with the KYC

Amelia Tomasicchio
Published in
5 min readFeb 15, 2018

A few days ago, we went online with the website that has the main purpose of letting our users verifying themselves before the beginning of the upcoming ICOs launched by the Eidoo ICO Engine itself.

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Because of the regulation in the digital currencies field, we have activated the Eidoo KYC (Know your Customer) service to assure that people not authorized in participating to ICO are excluded (e.g., underaged, Chinese and U.S. citizens ) and to be already compliant with future AML requirements to come.

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When you log in to the icoengine website, you will need to complete Tier 1 at least to be able to join all ICOs with a maximum amount of 3'000 CHF per year.

If you want to be able to use a higher amount, you will need Tier 2 (up to 500'000 CHF per year) or Tier 3 (unlimited).

Please note: the lines above are the general rule. It might be different for a few ICOs. We will inform you about these possibile changes on the blog post related to each ICO.

This KYC process will be the same for all ICOs we organize and for all Eidoo services, with no limits of time. This means that you will need to complete this KYC process only once.

According to the Tier, you will be required to send different documents such as proof of identity, proof of residence, and a specific form that has to be download and signed.

How to Register yourself on the Eidoo ICO Engine website

First of all, it must be specified that no blank field can be left, but everything must be completed in a comprehensive manner.

After registering on the website and having filled the following form with name, surname, email, and password, you will be sent an email to confirm your registration and verify that your email is associated with you.

After confirming your registration by clicking on the link you received via email, you will be asked to make your first login.

Then, enter the data to log in to the website.

This will be the screen that will appear: it’s your profile, where you can enter a nickname, a photo, a description that represents you, and change your privacy settings in case you want to show your profile to other members or not.

In case you do not want to show your full name to other users, you can click next to the name/surname/nickname field to select what others will be able to read about your information.

In the image below, for example, I selected “Nickname.”

Also, you can change your password and enter 2-factor authentication using Google Authenticator to have a double check at login.

Identification — Tier 1

When you have completed completing your profile, in the menu that appears on the left you will find the word “Identification.” Click on it to start checking the Tier 1 to use up to 3000 CHF per year.

By clicking on “Identification,” a new form will open to complete the Tier 1.

Here you will need to enter the following information: name, surname, address, house number, city, zip code, country, email, telephone number, nationality, date of birth, etc …

You will also need to enter your Eidoo wallet address and declare that you are not an American citizen or subject in any way to US taxation.

Identification — Tier 2

After completing Tier 1, accept the “Terms and Conditions” and click on “Upgrade to Tier 2” to use up to 500'000 CHF per year.

In Tier 2 you will be asked for other documents including your proof of identity (it can be a passport, driving license or identity card), proof of residence (bank statement or utility bill), a selfie (you can upload it or take one with the webcam), and select the type of verification, or if you are a private individual or a company.

Depending on whether you click on “Private” or “Business” you will need to fill form A or form K.

Form A

Some fields will be already filled automatically.

After entering all info, you will need to enter your Google Authenticator 2FA to digitally sign the document.

Identification — Tier 3

After reading, completing and signing the form above, you will have to wait for the Tier 2 verification to be approved.

Later, you can proceed with the verification of Tier 3 to use an unlimited amount per year.

Depending on whether you have selected “Private” or “Company” in Tier 2, Tier 3 will be different:

For private, you will only have to tick two boxes in which you declare that you know that the activation will be by direct approval and accept the “Terms and Conditions.”

Instead, if you are a company, you will be contacted by Eidoo or BitIncubator & Venture SA for users checks and you will be asked for a resolution of the platform authorizing the opening of the account, the act of incorporation and a financial report.

BitIncubator & Venture SA is the company that operates the BitMax exchange and that works with Eidoo ICO Engine to allow participation in some ICOs using fiat currency.

What are you waiting for? Register an account on to participate in the Eidoo-promoted ICOs and to use all the services of Eidoo.

