How to feel joy and comfort in life?


We want to share ideas that will help you feel more joy in life, or rather develop a habit of happiness.

1. The idea of willingness to put your joy first

We all want to be happy, but rarely does anyone put this very desire at the center of their life. We think that if we achieve success, become rich and famous, create an ideal family, then joy will follow by itself. But in order to awaken joy, it is extremely important to make your own happiness and joy a priority.

Many initially unloved things, for example, such as housekeeping, eventually became a source of constant joy and intimacy with the whole family.

The idea of willingness to put your joy first

You can also expand on this question by asking yourself“ “What do I need to do to feel happy right now?” Happiness can be any emotion or state that you lack at the moment. It can be very simple things, such as a break, a conversation with a friend, returning to an important goal for you.

We need a little time to feel what we need right now. Unfortunately, we often do not pause to connect with ourselves and look for happiness somewhere outside.



Elena "Sunshine" Petrova - Elena Sunshine Magazine
Elena Sunshine Magazine

Elena Sunshine Magazine® Fresh ideas every day. + Researcher, Science Journalist, Certified Nutrition Coach