Elephant Money Newsletter (10/26/2023): > $5.5 million in GROWTH

AS Yieldfi
Elephant Money News
5 min readOct 26, 2023
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The Elephant Money Newsletter, a weekly update on everything Elephant. Please feel free to reference and share all the information in this newsletter!

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Quick Info:

Market Cap: $417.9 million

Elephant Treasury Growth: (+ $5,574,000) @ $76,843,000

Elephant Price: 0.4179/ million Elephants

BTC Supply Adjusted Price: (+ $1.16) @ $19.90

3rd Top Holder of wBNB

5th Top Holder of BUSD

3.3x more assets than futures liabilities!

Weekly Review & New Futures Calculator:

🔥🔥Brand New — Futures Passive Income Calc 🔥🔥


Futures Passive Income v1 — Go to File & Make A Copy to edit your own copy.

I have working up a brand new Futures calculator for the HERD. Feedback from my last calc (v3.3) has been amazing but I’m aware it is a little complex if you are just introducing Futures to someone for the first time.

This new calc is built to highlight the lifechanging Cash Flow opportunity available in Futures while keeping the number of inputs required to a bare minimum.

How about paying yourself an annual salary of over $200k per year for 3 to 4 years with Futures, this is exactly the type of highlight info that you’ll see in this new calculator.

It’s so easy to use, it barely needs any explanation, however I will try and do a video at the weekend.

Although simple, they key stats actually opened my own eyes to a few different ways to tweak my own strategy so even if you are familiar with v3.3, it’s worth having a play.

As always, I’d love to hear any feedback and I’m open to suggestions for improvement.

If this doesn’t help you EOTO, I don’t know what will.


Elephant Money Stats/ Analytics:

Elephant Treasury & BTC Supply Adjusted Price:

Elephant Money Treasury:

10/19: $71,269,000

10/26: $76,843,000(+ $5,574,000)

BTC Adjusted Price:

10/19: $18.74

10/26: $19.90 (+ $1.16)

Elephant Treasury Token Count: (1200 10/26/2023 PST)

10/19: 181.12

10/26: 183.85 (+ 2.73 T)

Both LP Total:

10/19: 96.43 T

10/26: 96.13 (- 0.3 T)

Note: Above stats are real time on chain numbers provided bscscan.com. Dune analytics updates every few hours.

Blockchain Explorer: Bscscan.com

On Chain Transparency

Note: Here is the BSC blockchain explorer for Elephant Money- https://bscscan.com/token/0xe283d0e3b8c102badf5e8166b73e02d96d92f688#balances

Liquidity Pools:

Elephant wBNB LP:

Top 3rd Holder of wBNB on BSC.

10/19: wBNB LP: 98,771

10/26: wBNB LP: 99,765 ( + 994 wBNB)

Elephant BUSD LP:

Top 5th Holder of BUSD on BSC

10/19: BUSD LP: 17,838,396

10/26: BUSD LP: 18,596,430 ( + $758,034)

30 day In vs Out:

Total In:

10/19: $4,700,000

10/26: $5,100,000 ( + $400,000)

Total Out:

10/19: $932,200

10/26: $866,900 (- $65,300)

Futures: Assets Vs Liabilities

Futures TVL (Liabilities): $23,070,194 (+ $2,056,131)

Elephant Treasury (Assets): $76,843,000(+ $5,574,000)

Note: 3.3x more assets than futures liabilities! (0.1x decrease)

New Futures Wallets: 67 @ 2,699

Elephant Money Performance:

Elephant Money NFTS:

Elephant Unlimited NFTs:


Buy discounted Elephant Money Unlimited NFTs @ 1.8 BNB each!

Available Discounted NFTs: 0

NFTs sold in Marketplace: 485

NFT Supply Minted:

10/19: 11,475

10/26: 11,537 (62 NFTs minted)

Total BUSD Deposits: $2,837,000

Current APR: 27.30% (1.81%) paid in Elephant Token

Total Rewards Paid Out to Stakers: 494.41 T tokens

All updates on Elephant Money Unlimited NFTs will be provided by Bankteller via the Medium Link Below.


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10/25/2023 Twitter Space Link:


NFT GIVEAWAY EVERY WEDNESDAY to a random audience member!

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Medium Herd:

Nothing in this article is intended to constitute investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence and research, or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. This content is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. Though the author strives for accuracy, the data contained within the article cannot be relied upon. The author may own cryptocurrencies and tokens discussed in the article. The article may contain affiliate links.

