Elepig Token Sale Walkthrough — Part 2

Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2018

Buying Ethereum (ETH) from Coinbase

NOTE: This guide has been adapted from an original Medium article by Harith Kamarul

We have created a series of process walkthroughs providing instructions on how to participate in the Elepig Token Sale. This post covers Step 2 in the process:

1. Setting up an Exchange account to change fiat into crypto

2. Buying ETH from an Exchange

3. Setting up an address on a wallet that supports participating in Token Sales

4. Transferring ETH from an Exchange to a wallet

5. Completing Elepig Token Sale Registration

6. Sending ETH to the Token Sale address

There are other Exchanges you may use in the crypto space. This walkthrough focuses on using Coinbase.

To read on the prior step , go to Step 1. Setting up a Coinbase account.

Buying Ethereum (ETH) from an Exchange

The following are steps to buy from Coinbase.

Step 2.1:

Sign in to Coinbase.

A verification code, required for all subsequent Sign-ins, will be sent to your mobile.

Step 2.2:

Click “Buy/Sell” located at the top left-hand corner of the dashboard.

Step 2.3:

Select Ethereum and enter the desired amount to purchase in the bottom left of the page.

The right column reflects the quantity of ETH you can get for the stated amount of local currency. A transaction summary or total amount to be paid, inclusive of surcharge, is also reflected at the bottom.

Step 2.4:

Ascertain that the purchase amount and mode of payment are correct, and click “Confirm Buy”.

Step 2.5:

Confirm that the transaction was completed.

Once redirected back to the dashboard, your new balance should be reflected under “Your Portfolio”.

You have now bought your own ETH from Coinbase! You can’t send ETH to the token sale just yet as you will need to send it from your own wallet.

The steps to set up your own wallet (not using the Exchange’s) are covered in the next article — Step 3: Setting up a MyEtherWallet address.

