Eligma partners with Bitcoin.com and Pangea Blockchain Fund, receiving an investment of 4 million euros

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2019


The Eligma company is not even two years old, but our hard work and dedication has already resulted in an amazing milestone. We received a 4 million euro investment by Bitcoin.com and Pangea Blockchain Fund for the global expansion of our products. The focus is on Elipay, our infrastructure for accepting cryptocurrencies at local and online stores, and furthering the mission of crypto through free transfers between the users of the Elipay wallet. At this occasion, Eligma CEO Dejan Roljic stated the following:

The development of finance is going towards cash becoming a thing of the past. Among other things, this is because doing business with it is quite time-consuming and expensive. On the other hand, one of the main problems with cryptocurrencies is that the confirmation of transactions can take several minutes if not more, which is unacceptable in daily shopping. Eligma effectively solved this problem with Elipay, which enables instant crypto transactions; furthermore, the merchant receives settlement in local fiat and is thus safe from crypto volatility. This makes the use of cryptocurrencies quick and effective for daily use.”

We are extremely proud to have attracted the interest of such eminent companies in the field of blockchain. Bitcoin.com shares our vision of transforming the world through the simplicity and speed of crypto technology, and boasts years of tradition in this field. Executive Chairman Roger Ver had the following to say about the investment: “Bitcoin.com is investing in Eligma … as we drive more and more adoption and make it easier and easier for more people in more and more countries around the world … to use cryptocurrencies in general.”

We are also honoured that we have attracted a partner like Pangea Blockchain Fund from Switzerland — a company dedicated to the discovery of companies with potential for global impact in the field of blockchain. As co-founder of Pangea Blockchain Fund, William Duplessie, stated:

Eligma’s payment rail solution provides enormous relief for individuals transacting in markets with high currency inflation rates. These markets are such where transacting in cryptocurrency can be advantageous in countering the inflation of local currency. Eligma is highly impactful in this environment. In addition, Eligma’s flexible structure allows the technology to be integrated with ease into POS systems, creating growth in both user and client bases. The Pangea Team is exceptionally excited for the future of Eligma as a payment solution worldwide.

With this strong contingent, we are well on our way towards becoming the global facilitators of seamless and secure crypto payments. At this point, we would like to thank all of our partners and supporters for believing in us from our early days. We could not have made it without you, and we will continue to make you proud to be members of our community.

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