How to contribute in the Eligma presale and crowdsale

GoCrypto Blog
Published in
8 min readMar 9, 2018

Our public presale starts March 20th, followed by our crowdsale, which starts on April 17th, so we wanted to give you additional information regarding the purchase of ELI tokens. There are some steps that might require waiting a few days, so please make sure to start with the process early enough.

The main goal for our presale is to build a community that will be the driving force behind Eligma, so we really wish that as much of you as possible get the chance to contribute.

Our process can be divided into 5 steps. If you notice that you have already completed any of these steps, feel free to click a link and move to the step that you have not yet completed. If you are not starting from the first step, it is assumed that you have carried out all the previous steps.

1. Creating a private Ethereum wallet

2. Acquiring Ethereum on an online exchange

3. Transferring Ethereum to your private wallet

4. Applying for our KYC process

5. Contributing in our public presale and crowdsale

1. Creating a private Ethereum wallet

Why is this necessary? We can only send ELI tokens to private wallets as online exchange addresses cannot accommodate our tokens. If you use an online exchange address, tokens we send you will be lost and we will not be able to return your Ethereum to you. We will use in our example. We are not endorsed by them in any way; our goal is simply to make these instructions as clear as possible. If you want to use other wallets, please make sure they support all ERC-20 tokens. If you are not sure whether that is the case with your wallet, please contact your wallet provider.

Visit, enter a desired password, and click “Create New Wallet”.

Phishing warning: Be careful when entering the above address as there are sites with similar addresses out there that will attempt to issue compromised Keystore files that will make your funds accessible to hackers.

Download your Keystore file and click “I understand. Continue.” You will be able to access your wallet at any time with your Keystore file and the password you set at the beginning of the process.

WARNING: Make a copy of your Keystore file and keep both copies on separate safe locations, where they will not be accessible by anyone else. Keep your password safe and separate from your Keystore files.

For an additional safety layer, you can save your private key or print it to create a paper wallet. This is the only way of accessing your wallet if you lose or forget your password.

WARNING: Never disclose your private key to unauthorized people as they will be able to access and withdraw your funds with it.

2. Acquiring Ethereum on an online exchange

You will only be able to buy ELI tokens with Ethereum in our public presale and crowdsale. There are several online exchanges where you can exchange your fiat currency into Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies (Bitstamp, Kraken, Coinbase, etc.). They all have their advantages and disadvantages, so it is up to you to decide which one you want to use — our example will include the Coinbase exchange. Similar as stated above for private wallets; we are not endorsed by Coinbase, we only want to make these instructions as clear as possible.

WARNING: Please note that completing the registration and verification processes with an online exchange may take some time (up to two weeks or even more), so be sure to register, complete the verification process and acquire Ethereum early enough to be able to contribute in our presale. At the time these instructions were created, Coinbase did not have a waiting period, but that is subject to change.

Visit and select “Sign Up”.

Phishing warning: Be careful when entering the above address as there are sites with similar addresses out there that will attempt to obtain your personal data and gain access to your funds.

Enter your details, your password, mark that you are not a robot and that you are 18 years of age or older and select “CREATE ACCOUNT”. You will receive a verification e-mail. Select the “Verify Email Address” link.

Enter your phone number and select the “Send Code” button. Enter the received code into the field provided and select “Submit”. Select the “Buy/Sell” link at the top of the page.

Before you can start depositing fiat currencies and buying cryptocurrencies, you need to verify your identity (via webcam, mobile phone or ID file upload) and add a payment method. When you enter all the required information, choose Ethereum (as stated, you cannot buy ELI tokens with any other cryptocurrency), enter the desired amount and select “Buy Ethereum Instantly”.

WARNING: Please do not use Ethereum on your online exchange account to buy ELI tokens directly. Continue to the next step and transfer it to your private wallet first.

Please note that other online exchanges may require other and / or additional steps to acquire Ethereum.

3. Transferring Ethereum to your private wallet

Now that you have successfully bought Ethereum, you can go ahead and transfer it to your private wallet. Select the “Accounts” option in the top part of your screen. Select the “Send” button in the “ETH Wallet” section, enter your wallet address (instructions for attaining your public wallet address are listed in the next section) in the “Recipient” section, choose the amount you want to send and select “Continue”.

You can view your wallet address by visiting and clicking “View Wallet Info”. In the “How would you like to access your wallet?” section, choose the “Keystore / JSON File” option. Choose the “SELECT WALLET FILE” button, browse to the Keystore file you selected in step 1, select it and choose “Open”. Enter your corresponding password and select “Unlock”.

We recommend you select the address by double-clicking it and then copy it by pressing the right mouse button and selecting “Copy” or by pressing Ctrl+C on your keyboard. You can then enter it in Coinbase by right-clicking the “Recipient” field shown above and selecting “Paste” or pressing Ctrl+V on your keyboard. A green checkmark will appear if your address is in the right format. Select “Continue”. Enter the code you receive via SMS and select “Confirm”.

WARNING: Even though Coinbase checks the address format, please make sure you enter your public wallet address and not its private key!

You can check your transaction status by clicking the “ETH Wallet” section. All your transactions are shown on the right. When the status of the transaction changes to “To Ethereum” address, your funds have been safely transferred to your wallet.

You can also check your transaction status by visiting and entering your public wallet address into the field in the upper right corner of the page.

4. Applying for our KYC process

All potential contributors must complete our KYC (Know Your Customer) process before they are able to buy ELI tokens. You can start the KYC process by following this link and detailed instructions are available here. Verification time depends on the number of applications but should not take more than 48 hours.

NOTE: Please use your public wallet address, mentioned in the previous step, in the KYC process.

5. Contributing in our public presale and crowdsale

In order to buy ELI tokens, you will need to transfer Ethereum from your private wallet, which you created in step 1. You need to use the same wallet address that you entered during the KYC process.

Visit and select the “Send Ether & Tokens” link. In the “How would you like to access your wallet?” section choose the “Keystore / JSON File” option. Choose the “SELECT WALLET FILE” button, browse to the file you selected in step 1, select it and choose “Open”. Enter your selected password and choose “Unlock”.

In the “To Address” field, enter the address you received in our e-mail when you completed the KYC process. Enter the ETH amount you want to send. Please check all the contribution amount limitations in separate phases in the “Public Presale” section of our whitepaper.

Public presale: Leave the “Gas Limit” option on its default value (this is the amount you will pay for the Ethereum network transaction) and select “Generate Transaction”. You might also want to consult for more information on transaction Gas prices.

Crowdsale: Smart Contract, which was created to support the crowdsale process, was designed to enable a vast number of contributors to obtain at least a small number of tokens and to minimize the impact of Gas Price in the process. Please set the gas limit to 250,000. Unused portion will be returned back to your wallet.

Recheck the addresses in the transaction and confirm your transaction by selecting “SEND TRANSACTION.”

A transaction hash is displayed. You can visit and enter this hash into the upper right field to check the transaction status (as shown in step 3).

If the transaction completes successfully, your contributed Ethereum was delivered to our address; however, due to phase limitations, a part of your contribution might be returned to you (please check all the contribution amount limitations for separate phases in the “Public Presale” section of our whitepaper). After the acquired ELI tokens are sent to your wallet, they will be locked for a short period, in which the whole ELI token creation process will be verified. During this short period, transactions with ELI tokens will not be possible.

The number of tokens in your wallet on might not be shown immediately. If that is the case, select the “Show All Tokens” button and find the ELI tokens by scrolling down the list. Select “Click to Load ELI”.

If the token balance is still not shown, select “Add Custom Token” and enter the information shown below:

Enter “0xc7c03b8a3fc5719066e185ea616e87b88eba44a3” in the “Token Contract Address” field.

Enter “ELI” in the “Token Symbol” field.

Enter “18” in the “Decimals” field.

You can now use your tokens as you see fit. Congratulations and welcome to the Eligma family!

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