Elk Weekly Recap — #17

Roland Rood
Elk Finance
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2021

Back-to-back launches on Telos and Cronos capped off a dizzying week for Elk. This graphic is getting crowded…

Protocol News

  • The xDai Moose NFT collection launched on Saturday and sold out in ~10 seconds. The proceeds will be used to support Elk’s upcoming launch on Arbitrum
  • The ElkNet Dashboard has been updated to include transfer and volume metrics for 12 chains
  • Elk launched on two new chains, Telos and Cronos, bringing the total number of networks in the Elk ecosystem to 14!

Community & Partnership Happenings

  • Crypto news sites CoinCheckup and CoinCodex published versions of the “Beyond the Bridge” feature article, laying out Elk’s multi-chain vision to a broader audience
  • Paintswap (Fantom) added Moose NFTs as a verified collection to their NFT Marketplace. An Uncommon Fantom Moose sold for >$2000 within the first hours

And then there were 14…

The ink is barely dry on our 6-chain mega-launch last week, and we’ve quietly added two more chains: Telos and Cronos. We’ve had some fun with stealth launches in the past, but in this case there’s simply so much activity happening all at once that it becomes a challenge even to keep up with announcements.

Let’s take a quick step back at where we stand as of this morning:

Elk is now able to deploy on new EVM-compatible chains in a matter of hours. Since ElkNet is more nimble than other bridges, we’ve been able to deploy well ahead of bulkier, more cumbersome bridges. Think about it: Cronos, a much anticipated chain backed by Crypto.com, launched this morning, and we were up and running within minutes of the mainnet release. As of this writing — and presumably for the foreseeable future, Elk is the only cross-chain option for migrating funds from 12 other chains into and out of Cronos.

The same is true for Telos, a highly respected veteran blockchain who has been innovating since 2018 and decided to integrate an EVM layer in late October. Elk is currently the sole AMM and cross-chain bridge into and out of the Telos EVM.

In each case, it would be inaccurate to describe these new chains as upstart projects. Both are connected with very well-established projects, which include massive user bases numbering in the hundreds of thousands or millions. As the first and currently the only AMM or bridge to service these and several other chains, Elk is showing its strength and capturing the attention of untapped user pools.

Elk is now on more networks than any other protocol. More than Sushi. More than Anyswap. Get comfortable, there’s more where this came from…

p.s. Did you know our xDai Moose NFTs sold out in under 15 seconds? Wild.

  • Network optimizations and analytics integration to support new chain launches
  • Details about the upcoming BSC Moose NFT sale & launches
  • An exciting new farming announcement

