Elk Weekly Recap — #24

Roland Rood
Elk Finance
Published in
4 min readDec 27, 2021

xDai becomes Gnosis, but Elk Rush continues! Plus: Top 5 Elk moments of 2021 & A Special Holiday Gift from Team Elk.

Protocol & Partnership News

  • 🔄 xDai is now Gnosis Chain. To celebrate this rare blockchain merger, we launched 3 brand new Gnosis farms (GNO-ELK, SUSHI-ELK, and CURVE-ELK), and boosted GNO-ELK with Elk Rush rewards! (🚨 Note: if you hold STAKE tokens, you’ll want to swap them for GNO. Read here for instructions)
  • 🪂 The second of two Moose NFT airdrops, covering 10 (!) new chain launches, went to IoTeX. Check your IoTeX wallet if you’re holding a Moose!
  • 🐉 CRODrakes and Crosmonauts, two top tier Cronos NFT projects, entered the Elk Lodge for a Fireside Chats with free NFTs
  • 📲 Some great upgrades and UI fixes were pushed to the mobile dApp, making it much more useable. Check it out!

Community Happenings & Milestones

  • 🚀 ElkDEX Cronos passed $1M in TVL
  • 📈 The Marketcap for $ELK passed $10 million

GM & MC, everyone. With 2021 nearly on the books, we want to give a huge thank you to our community, network partners, and IRL families for making this an absolutely incredible year. Hurdling over the $10M market cap the other day felt like a fitting milestone to close out our launch year. (We’ll see if we can add a magnitude or two in the coming year.)

As a small token of our appreciation, we’d like to share with everyone Moose Tracks Vol. 1, a collaborative Spotify mixtape with one song chosen by each member of the Elk Team. These songs were originally selected for our Elk Season 2 NFTs, which we plan to keep releasing through new community promotions in the new year.

We thought it would be fitting to end the last newsletter of the year with a list of Elk’s top five moments of 2021. Without further ado…

5. Project Launch. Elk Finance officially launched on Avalanche March 19, starting a new era of cross-chain DeFi. For the launch, anyone who transacted on AVAX C-Chain was eligible for a 50 $ELK airdrop. The first 100 Telegram members received an additional 50 $ELK. Read the original launch announcement here.

4. 6 Chains, 1 Launch. We’ve now deployed on 16 chains. If you’ve been around DeFi for a while, you know that every launch is a little different, and there’s always something that doesn’t go according to plan. As a late October surprise, we threw caution to the wind and did a stealth launch on 6 chains at once. The most surprising part of all? Almost everything went off without a hitch.

3. Elk Season #1. Our first major community event was a ton of fun. It took place toward the early part of this DeFi cycle, and there was a giddy energy. We launched our third chain, Fantom, partway through the event. Presiding over the festivities was Ralph, our beloved and sometimes curmudgeonly mascot, who handed out daily prizes for our special Ridin’ with Ralph weekly raffle winners. Let’s take a look back at the slideshow made for our very first Ralph Rider, Discord user @üstadronald:


2. Moose NFT Mania. Our first Moose sale in Avalanche took nearly 3 hours to sell out. At the time, Moose were one of the first NFTs released on Avalanche (and one of the only NFTs anywhere with built-in utility) and our community was still in its seed stage, so selling out at all with our radical new concept felt like a huge win.

Flash forward a couple weeks; our second series of Moose, this time on Polygon, sold out in under 34 seconds. That’s when we knew we were onto something. Each of the subsequent sales has sold out in two minutes or less, and prices on the secondary market have topped $10k, but that first Polygon sellout will always be one to remember.

1. ElkNet Launch. As we put it in our June 29 article announcing the beta launch of ElkNet:

Today, Elk exists as four different exchanges operating on four different blockchains with an aspirational roadmap. On Friday, Elk becomes a network.

With the launch of ElkNet, Elk became a working product. There was a minor hiccup out of the gates that delayed our launch for a week (it wouldn’t really be an auspicious start without some sort of a delay, now would it?). Since then, over $100M in funds have travelled over ElkNet.

Have a safe and happy new year! Looking forward to 2022, we’ve got loads more in store: Arbitum and Ethereum, proxy tokens, major ElkNet upgrades, CHFT, UX/UI upgrades, and so much more. Stick around!

  • New farming rewards on Gnosis Chain
  • New year, new chain…?

