Change, an interview and asshat things

Stories I’ve loved on Medium this week – 03.12.16

Elliot Morrow
Elliot’s Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2016


I read a lot. So, each Saturday, I share the Stories I’ve loved from around Medium over the last seven days.

This has been a ridiculously busy week, so there are just three stories to share. But enjoy.

Time to change…Jack Bond

I’m on a mission: kick [OCD’s] ass! To do that, I need to change and its going to be difficult but I believe hard work pays off and I’m going to work hard.

Jack is one of my favourite Medium writers, mainly because of how openly he discusses his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and the negative side effects the condition has on his life.

This time, he’s committed to making a change to try and fight back against OCD. He knows it’ll take time — all things worth having do — but I’m sure he’ll achieve what he’s setting out to achieve.

Let it be the catalyst for you to make change in your life.

My 20-Month-Old Son In A Job InterviewEric Munn

I: What would you say is your biggest strength? And what is your biggest weakness?

MS: My biggest strength would be that I can pick up a toy tractor and carry it a good 10–15 feet. Now, you’re probably asking yourself “Why not just push the tractor? It’s got big wheels and moves very easily.” And that’s becasue I think outside the box.

Eric Munn’s interview with his 20-month-old son is simply hilarious. It’s short — go read it.

10 Asshat Things People TweetTom Mitchell

1. “All the feels.”

All the nos. All the go aways.

I spend a lot of time on Twitter, and I agree with Tom, these ten things are things only asshats tweet. Although, I’ll admit, I sometimes do number seven when I’m pissed off.

Thanks for reading Chapter 202

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Check out the previous few weeks of stories I’ve loved on Medium:

