Battle of Nodes: Onchained is off to an explosive start with +800 community nodes!

Beniamin Mincu
Elrond Network
Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2020

Only 2 days after the initial announcement, the dry-run for Battle of Nodes: Onchained already lined up 868 community nodes from 190 unique participants, with more arriving every hour. With our own Nodes in the mix, our testnet is now over 1.000 nodes, which is an amazing achievement for any blockchain, more so a testnet.

The Validators Telegram channel has seen an influx of new people as well, with 832 people now watching what is going on in our testnet. Even those who are not validators will have plenty of interesting things to follow: educational missions, performance challenges, group assignments & devious competitions. All of those sprinkled with attacks and a high TPS environment, so we can properly test the limits of our protocol and the validators running it.

The current dry-run sets the stage for next week’s competition, allowing newcomers to settle in, have their questions answered and tools sharpened. Attacks are not allowed until Tuesday, so everyone has a fair chance to prepare for defending, attacking, or both.

Make sure you stay tuned to our official channels to watch the event unfold as we demonstrate our protocol’s ability to operate at unprecedented high speeds while we also reveal some of the capabilities which were not yet made public.

Newcomers can still register to the event until Monday 08 June 08:00 UTC — in the grand scheme of things, it would be like starting the marathon a couple of minutes late . So fire up your nodes and let’s see what they’re made of!

You can join by following this link.

⚔ See you on the battle #fiedl 🛡

