EOSIO + Emanate; Mass Adoption Through Music

Every corner of the blockchain and cryptocurrency world has enthusiasts on the lookout for ‘real-world adoption’. But what does that mean? To us, it is a transition from an old way of doing things, to the new. Life-changing impact.

4 min readApr 24, 2020


Last month, Emanate announced five major developments that would pave the way for real-world adoption of Emanate’s technology in the music world. And that, of course, means EOSIO is now in use within the music industry.

Let’s take a look.

Emanate Distro is Live

The importance of Emanate Distro as part of our industry integration plan cannot be underestimated. Emanate Distro has now started pushing releases via our pilot artists with many more to come.

The first Emanate Direct releases out in the Wild

Why put our awesome Emanate music out on the platforms? It means the Emanate network taps into a $20 billion revenue pool, while artists have their IP secured on Emanate, they get pushed out via the internal distribution service and revenue flows back from Spotify et al, through the Emanate contracts and back to the artists. Cool huh?

It also means Emanate gets new music before ANY other platform on the world.

Would you ever have thought your Spotify subscription could end up back in the hands of an Emanate artist?

Closed Alpha is over, the doors are opening

Emanate Alpha has come to the end of it’s closed Alpha phase, which in turn means the doors open to all artists with self-service profile creation and track uploads. In the 6 months of closed testing, over 600 artists have been onboarded with over 3000 songs. This equates to 20–30% month on month growth in a closed environment.

Various new artist projects and collaborations have been born including Treasure Gnomes and the awesome collaboration between Audio Alias and Baheamica.

Let’s see what happens when the doors open on Monday April 27.

Emanate & Holon complete first on-chain music licensing contract in Australia

This week, Emanate struck its first content licensing deal: online video sync with Holon Global Investments. Holon setup by Heath Behncke, is a global equity fund focussed on companies taking advantage of innovation and the growing digital economy of today, tomorrow and the future.

Knowing the blockchain space well via their Innovation arm, Head of Innovation Jonathan Hooker procured 2 x new soundtracks for their forthcoming educational web series. Under the Deal, Holon will license ‘Lifted’ by DJ Lethal Skillz and ‘Thea’ by Baheamica for 12 months online usage. The transaction will be completed this week with payment and terms confirmed on-chain, via Emanate’s revolutionary smart-collaboration framework.

StreamCard Roadmap

Last month Emanate announced StreamCard; the first time any artist has been able to instantly release music, get paid and spend instantly. StreamCard.io was launched to gather interest from the music community. COVID19 has caused delays to physical card distribution and Apply Pay/ Goggle Pay integrations but virtual cards will be tested within Australia next month.

We have the following roll-out plan for physical Emanate StreamCard and Merch packs to welcome new artists:

2020-Q3: Australia, Singapore, UK and Europe (European Union).

2020-Q4: USA, Canada and India.

2021-Q1: Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia.

What’s next?

With the self-service area opening on Monday April 27th, our 8 Global Emanate Reps are preparing to onboard thousands of artists in the coming months.

No other blockchain music project has this type of live, on-chain interaction and Emanate is the first EOS project to break into an industry outside of gaming, gambling and financial services.

Some Emanate community members are earning a monthly reward that exceeds the median income for the city they live in. All paid in EMT, all from the Emanate community and their love of music.

That’s what we call impact. And it’s still just the very beginning.

Keep watching closely as Emanate unveils the biggest news to-date in the coming months, as well the Emanate Beta roadmap.

The future of music is bright, and it lives on EOSIO.

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