Community Badges and Tokens (Closed + Updated)

Svetlin Ivanov
Ember Sword
Published in
6 min readSep 29, 2021

Hey everybody. We’re really excited to see how many of you participated in the community land sale application and are now eager to claim your land and get your hands on some badges. Unfortunately, you will have to wait just a little bit longer before we can open them up to you.

As with each new NFT that we bring to the community, our smart contract code is carefully audited to ensure maximum security. Although the contracts for this sale passed this audit with flying colors, recently a security issue was found in the standard, open source (OpenZeppelin) contract which we base some of our smart contracts on. We immediately fixed this issue in our contracts, but to ensure a safe sale, we will have to go through our security testing process once again. As this is quite an intensive process, we’ve taken a safe margin and moved the opening date up by two weeks, to October 14th at 19:00 CET.

We understand this decision might be inconvenient to those of you who have your money ready in your wallet and are raring to go, but our first priority is always making sure our NFTs are deployed in a safe and secure way for the entire community.

An additional complicating factor for this sale has been the legal concerns surrounding the sale of badges in the US, as well as recent developments in China. This also led to a lot of questions within the community. By now, we’ve had the opportunity to delve deeper into the legal issues and we have to unfortunately conclude that, at present, we cannot offer the badges to people from the US, nor can we currently offer land or badges to buyers from China.

It is important to note that only badges are not available to our US audience and we expect them to be able to continue participating in the sale of land and collectables, as well as the game, just like all our other community members.

Naturally, these limitations are as frustrating to us as they are to you, the community. Rest assured, we will continue monitoring the situation and working with regulators to bring the full Ember Sword experience to players, wherever they may be in the world.

Now, onto the good stuff. In a previous post, we introduced you to the concept of badges and shed some further light on the Ember token, among other things. We promised you some further information, so in this post, we’d like to take some time to break down the nitty gritty of the badges and the Ember tokens.

Community Badges

Last time around, we mentioned that badges are unique NFTs sporting some pretty epic perks and benefits. With that in mind, let’s dig a little deeper and learn a little bit more about them.

What are badges?

Badges are unique Ember Sword NFTs, which, if you qualified for the community land sale, can be viewed here. With badges, we want to offer every qualified community member certain perks and benefits as recognition of their wonderfully worded entries.

What are the perks of owning a badge?

Badges are jam-packed with all kinds of exciting benefits:

  • Through owning a badge you will receive the opportunity for a spot in the upcoming alpha/pre-alpha tests, just like the landowners.
  • Furthermore, through the badge system, we will be distributing some of the first Ember tokens to the community, more on that in a little bit.
  • Last, but not least, badge ownership is proudly displayed on your Ember Sword profile, so there can be no dispute that you have been here with Ember Sword since day one.

How do I acquire a badge?

Currently, badges are offered only to community members who have submitted a qualifying entry to the community land sale. The sale of badges will begin in tandem with the sale of allotted land on October 14th at 19:00 CET, and can be found here.

Note — you do not need to have been allotted land in order to be able to purchase a badge. Being qualified is currently the only prerequisite to badge ownership.

Although qualifying accounts will have first dibs at these badges, should there be any left after the first 7 days, the remainder will be made available for purchase to all community members with an account.

There are some things to keep in mind about the badges.

  • Badges are not reserved for you the same way your allotted land is. They are provided on a first come, first served basis
  • There is a finite amount of them, and there will never be more than there are today. The distribution is as follows:
    — 100 Platinum Badges
    — 1000 Gold Badges
    — 2500 Silver Badges
    — 5000 Bronze Badges
  • Currently, you can only purchase one badge per account, so pick wisely

More information about the perks and benefits of each individual tier can be found here.

Ember token distribution

As mentioned above, we are using the badge system to distribute some of the first Ember tokens to the community. This is done in the following way.

Each tier of badge has a certain amount of Ember allotted to it. The distribution per badge is as follows:

The Bronze tier includes 2,500 pieces of Ember
The Silver tier includes 5,000 pieces of Ember
The Gold tier includes 25,000 pieces of Ember
The Platinum tier includes 250,000 pieces of Ember

During the Beta stage, we aim to release a first edition of our White Paper with the community. Here you’ll be able to find more information about gameplay features, the in-game economy, our in-game tokenomics (off-chain and on-chain systems), as well as other important information about what will be possible throughout your experiences playing the game. After the White Paper and during the Beta stage, we will also aim to release our in-game token, Ember. This custom-built ERC-20 token is designed to allow players to trade rare collectables and cosmetics within the game, including land, cosmetics, pets and mounts. More to come on this when we release the White Paper. During this time, all of our current badge holders will be able to claim their badges and begin to release their tokens. subject to regional legislation

This way, the amount of Ember entering circulation is spread out enough to not cause serious fluctuations in supply, as this would be bad for the game and the community.

Speaking of Ember, let’s take a look at the token itself.

Ember Token

Ember is our custom-built token designed to sit at the heart of Ember Sword and can be used for a vast array of in-game activities.

For example, one of the many uses of Ember is to forge special materials you can find in-game into rare cosmetic collectables. Additionally, if you have a significant amount of cosmetic collectables from a lower tier, you can use Ember to fire up the forge and smelt them all down to produce a one of a higher tier, e.g. turning 4 common collectables into a rare. The common ones are burned in the process, but the upside is that they become even rarer and you get a higher tier collectable out of the process. Win-win-win, really. Pretty cool, eh?

Alternatively, Ember can be used to breed new pets or mounts, as well as fuse them, essentially taking mounts of a lesser rarity in order to produce one of a higher rarity, analogous to the example given above.

The examples given here barely scratch the surface on how players will be able to use Ember, but we hope that they are helpful in giving you context for the types of things Ember will be used for.

That’s about it for this post

We would like to take this moment to once again express our immense appreciation for the enthusiasm and patience you have all displayed. We hope that we have managed to answer some of your questions about Badges and the Ember token, however, if by chance we’ve left something out, you can always consult our FAQ sections in the Ember Sword Discord server.

Until next time!

