The Biggest Challenges in the Events Tech Industry

Gabriela Araújo
Published in
6 min readJan 25, 2019

Operators in the Industry are experiencing the fast-paced advent of event technology. This arrival has made the most noticeable impact on the sector. A new Era is arising and it brings with it new challenges and exciting obstacles to learn from. In the previous article, we tackle into the trends shaping the event tech industry in 2019, now we intend to cover the issues this new wave will bring.

So what are the key issues impacting the Event Tech Industry?

Key Issues Evens Tech Industry

High Expectations

A successful event requires a constant update on the key factors leading shifts in the industry. Events have been a traditional sector resistant to change until around 10 years ago when things started to move differently. The impact of social networks, mobile apps, live polls and so on, endower attendees an increasing power, shifting the industry towards an attendee-centric approach, with a focus on the experience throughout the event. However, now technology has become the driving force pushing customer expectations and forcing industry competitors to adapt or get left behind.

The Meetings and Events Industry is maturing in the technological disruption. The industry changes and attendees expectations change with it. Keeping up with high attendee expectations is one of the biggest challenges event planners are facing. Only the operators that truly put this challenge on the top of their priorities will be able to provide memorable event-journeys. Understanding attendees expectations is the first step towards providing a tailored experience that matches your audience needs. New ways of interaction have shifted the ways audiences perceive communication and networking. They crave novelty and the “wow” factor.

Attendees knowledge is increasing and becoming tech-savvy, making harder for event tech to create a surprise factor and engage them. Adding to that, the heavy use of technology has decreased consumer patience and grab audiences attention is harder than before. Here is where registration automation and crowd control needs to be tackled in.

In conclusion, attendees expectations are increasingly higher to achieve and maintain them engaged is forecasted to be one of the top industry challenges, so build a customer-centric approach and take the time to truly understand your audiences expectations so you can then make informed decisions about which tech solutions to use in order to build a tailored and unforgettable experience.

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Security and Access Control

Security is a hot topic this year in the events & meeting Industry. Factors such as evolving Tech, increased globalisation, political instability and security threats are creating new challenges. In the current security climate, is crucial to determine appropriate methodologies that tackle access and crowd control and Security & Safety training and planning. Operators need to address processes and design of entries, establish the right proportions of staff, address security needs that match the event size and choose the best technology for the situation. At Embly Events, we offer a Crowd Control Feature that allows the event team to monitor the number of people present in each room at any moment.

Collect Data to Deliver Personalised Experiences While Respecting The Privacy of Attendees

2018 was marked by Big changes in online data legislation. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), implemented on May 25th, changed the way event planners collect, process and protect the personal information of attendees in Europe. This regulation is a consequence of increasing privacy concerns, this challenge is forecasted to continue on the top of the challenges for industry operators. Cybersecurity is still a hot topic and of great importance for attendees. Now the question is, can event planners deliver personalised experiences while respecting the privacy concerns of attendees?

We are now, in an era where audiences have increased expectations due to advances in technology. Each person has different characteristics and requirements and matches this individuality aspect is no longer an option. We have seen the word personalisation on top of the trends last year and the challenge for this year will be to tailor experiences while implementing cybersecurity practices.

Throughout the event cycle, event planners have access to multiple data-points that can be used to enhance the guests-experience. Is possible to create a tailored journey by creating an integrated data-collection framework. But when does customisation shifts from adding value to the audience and becomes intrusive? Attendees are increasingly more aware of where their data is going and what it is being used for and the line between engaging and invasive has narrowed. This creates a panorama where event planner needs to be compliant with data regulations and additionally be aware of attendees privacy expectations. There is a new have of technology that will allow an all new level of personalization, from facial recognition detecting emotional behaviour to virtual assistants and apps gamification, the key for success will be to know how to use this tech strategically.

Skills That Match the Tech and Tech that Matches the Event

The increased complexity of Events Technology brings with it a skills challenge. The need for a specialist in the area of Event tech is arising with the uniqueness of this type of technologies and industry, varying size and complexity. There are many limitations on assigning specialists and event companies, internally acquiring new capabilities and training in the specific technologies.

The multiplicity of tech solutions available in the market can be overwhelming and finding the best tools to achieve business goals is one of the key challenges. The golden pot is in combining and integrating the right tools available in the market that match the event strategic objectives. Now, this entices a new set of skills, having the knowledge of all the options available in the market, and the ability to strategically advise and select the best options, negotiate and ensure the necessary support. Even making a decision on the right delivery method within the Tech can enhance or kill the event experience.

The big question here is, should organisations create space for internally nurturing this set of skills or search for it externally? I guess this question can be answered by the size and complexity of the organisations. But one thing is for sure, the future of Tech in this industry is growing in complexity and pace, and keeping up with the latest solutions and know which ones to leverage for specific events will be a key challenge.

The True Role of Technology

All this tech talk takes us to a very rudimental question: So what is the true role of technology in Events?

The heavy use of Technolgy to streamline and automate processes, engage attendees and enhance experiences is now a reality and the trend is to increase. However, overfocusing on using tech for the sake of it or because it is the market trend can turn into a hassle instead of a solution. The challenge here is to understand that tech role is to support and facilitate the achievement of a great event experience and not to distract both attendees and organizers. Use Tech for the sake of a great attendee-experience and a hassle-free organizer process!

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