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Startup Lessons

Thoughts from founders, investors & entrepreneurs on changing the way the world works.
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Mastering the “Frugalnomics” Sales Environment

By Doug Landis, Growth Partner, Emergence

It is an interesting, roller-coaster of a time to be a sales leader. When the pandemic first struck, budgets completely froze, and startups braced for the worst. As time has passed…

Lessons from a resilient CEO

By Jason Green, Founder + General Partner, Emergence

Several years ago, shortly…

Set Yourself Up for Series A Pitch Success

By Joseph Floyd, General Partner, Emergence

The story you’re telling in your Series A raise is going to be significantly different from the one you told at Seed. It’s not as simple as inserting a few traction slides and adding…

The Emergence Secret Playbook

Open Source Tools & Templates for Enterprise Entrepreneurs

By Joseph Floyd, General Partner, Emergence

At Emergence, we invest in people who change the way the world works. Fortunately…