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Emi Gal
Emi Gal
Romanian entrepreneur and software engineer. Founder & CEO of Brainient (now Teads Studio), an interactive video platform acquired by Teads in September 2016.
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[RO] Nu toate milioanele sunt egale

Au aparut in ultima vreme in presa din Romania cateva articole despre Brainient care folosesc cifre ce sunt departe de realitate, si consider ca este de bun simt sa le clarific.


For the past three years, I’ve been lucky to have been invited to WPP’s annual un-conference, WPPSTREAM. This year was by far the best STREAM I’ve ever participated in and, by a long mile, the best event I’ve ever been to. The video below doesn’t do it justice, but it gives a glimpse into what it’s all…

Talking about Brainient on CNBC

With the occasion of the London Tech Week, CNBC have chosen 5 of the UK’s hottest startups to pitch as part of their #PowerPitchUK. Brainient was kindly chosen as one of these 5 startups, and I was invited for a brief and fun interview on CNBC, embedded below. Mom’s pretty…

Growing up

As some of you may have read, we’ve recently relaunched our platform, our studio and our identity. It’s been a labour of love, sweat and tears, but we felt it was needed after almost five years of being in business. Our platform is now used by some of the largest media companies and brands in the world and…

Brainient signs ITV, UK’s largest commercial television network

The news hit the stands this morning that Brainient has signed a partnership with ITV, the largest commercial television network in the UK and one of the largest in Europe. This is big news for us, for a few reasons…

How to learn everything you need to know about the mobile video space

Every quarter, Brainient organises a breakfast event called — evidently — Breakfast & Brains. It’s a forum for our clients and friends, where we discuss the newest happenings in the video advertising world and…