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Emi Gal
Emi Gal
Romanian entrepreneur and software engineer. Founder & CEO of Brainient (now Teads Studio), an interactive video platform acquired by Teads in September 2016.
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Keep Calm and Carry On

A few weeks ago, I was invited to speak about my experience as an entrepreneur at Venture Connect, one of the few initiatives encouraging entrepreneurship in Romania. Inspired by the British Government’s 1939 “Keep Calm and Carry On” campaign, I put together the short presentation below…


Right before last year’s Seedcamp Week, I wrote a post trying to give a few tips & tricks on how to win. As it turns out, a few people actually read it (I met all three of them), so I decided to touch a different topic this year: HOW NOT TO BE BORING. Because, truth be told, most pitches &…

Albion Society

Last week I gave a talk at Albion Society, a quarterly event organized by the nice folks at Albion London. The video of the talk is up, if you’re interested to watch, so I’m embedding it below…

How to FUCK your customers properly (and it’s not what you think)

A few months a go I had a presentation at Launch48 about how to FUCK your customers properly. Recently, a few people asked me if I could send them that presentation so I decided to put it up on SlideShare.
