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Emi Gal
Emi Gal
Romanian entrepreneur and software engineer. Founder & CEO of Brainient (now Teads Studio), an interactive video platform acquired by Teads in September 2016.
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The killer time analytics tool

As many of you know, I’m a big fan of RescueTime (a tool that tracks how you spend your time in front of the computer). It has helped me get my social media time down from fifteen hours per month to about four. And over the past three years, I’ve been using it to make sure…

Why I think Social Media is the new TV. And that’s not a good thing.

This morning I almost fell off the chair while looking over my RescueTime stats. Apparently I’ve spent nearly 10 hours on Facebook, 4 hours on Twitter and 16 minutes on Google Plus in the past 30 days. That’s one…