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Emi Gal
Emi Gal
Romanian entrepreneur and software engineer. Founder & CEO of Brainient (now Teads Studio), an interactive video platform acquired by Teads in September 2016.
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Progress, plans and problems

Following my post on why you should spam your investors as much as you can, I thought it’d be useful to share something I learnt from the nice folks at Seedcamp: the investor email update. It’s quite simple but incredibly effective.

At the end of each month, all our investors…

Ten Habits of Highly Successful Entrepreneurs

Yesterday I was invited by the nice folks at Albion London to speak about the habits of highly successful entrepreneurs at Marketing Academy, together with Reshma Sohoni, the CEO of Seedcamp. While I don’t consider myself a highly successful…


Right before last year’s Seedcamp Week, I wrote a post trying to give a few tips & tricks on how to win. As it turns out, a few people actually read it (I met all three of them), so I decided to touch a different topic this year: HOW NOT TO BE BORING. Because, truth be told, most pitches &…