Taja Oremuž
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2018

In the past weeks, since our MVP launch, we have noticed a growing interest to try out EMMARES platform. This is why we are publishing this exclusive invitation and an amazing opportunity for MARKETER/companies.

We are currently in communication with a number of well-known brands with the goal of building up a successful partnership. And apart from that, we have decided we want to give a special opportunity to a LIMITED NUMBER of marketers to become a part of the transformation that EMMARES brings in the future regarding building your reputation and adding value for your customers.

We are sure that by now, you are all well aware of what EMMARES represents, but just in case — EMMARES is an email marketing reputation building system which enables companies and marketers to reach their targeted audience. By sharing good, relevant content it allows you to become one of the leading publishers in the platform that is planned to be global by 2019.

With this special invitation you get a chance to join the EMMARES platform with no costs (FREE) and to get you started we will provide you with promo tokens, so you can see how the system works.
Besides, who wouldn’t want to take advantage of a free email marketing promotion, right

There are no special requirements and you don’t have to make any changes to your current workflow. HERE is a step by step guide which explains everything in detail but shortly what EMMARES means for you:

  • You can use your current ESP provider for email marketing (mailings) just like you did up until now.
  • You add the shortcode (html) which you get in the EMMARES platform after you sign in as a marketer.
  • This enables your email receivers, to rate your content and therefore, build up your reputation.
  • Eventually, with good reputation rate, your content (mailings) will be delivered to all of those EMMARES users, who have shown interest in your type of content and/or in your company.

Note: You don’t have to share any of your email contact lists with EMMARES and your contact list will not be published anywhere. So don’t worry, this stays in your domain.

Website: www.emmares.io
EMMARES platform: www.emmares.com

If you see this opportunity as one you can’t miss (which we are sure you will), and would be interested in a collaboration, we will be happy to explain more about it. You can apply to EMMARES platform as a marketer or if you have any further questions, write to info@emmares.io.

