Why Email marketing needs to change

Dejan Plavše
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2017

With the rise of social networking there is a new question circling around in the marketing world. Many are wondering if it is still wise to invest in Email marketing. And the answer from those doing it the right way is obvious. OF COURSE! Yes, it’s true that social networks have become important part of marketing strategy, there is no denying of that, but Email marketing is still the “work horse” that does much of the heavy lifting.

Today, Email is still widely used in personal and business cases. It is simple to use, flexible, versatile and it is a great way for companies to stay in touch with their existing customers and to attract new ones.

If used correctly email marketing can be extremely efficient communication channel and can produce excellent ROI (Return on investement).

To claim that Email is dead is ridiculous. Evolving definitely, dying — hell no. Just think about it for a second, when was the last time you used email, let it be at work or at home? There is a very good chance the answer is today.

But like every other technology out there email has also its own problems. If we would have to divide problems into two parts, one would be difficult challenges for those who use email the right way, and other would be problems for those who do things the wrong way.

Email or more precisely Email marketing can be very beneficial for business and can bring in a lot of new revenue if company manages to build large opt-in contact base and uses it the right way. But that is easier said than done.

Today doing Email marketing the right way is very time consuming and it takes a lot of effort. It requires a plan, it requires a lot of educational and promotional content and it requires being present where potential customers are. And as if all that would not be enough it require to be consistent. Yes, a lot is needed to get people to subscribe to contact list and then to actually buy something.

But it’s worthwhile in the end. Finding new customers in today’s competitive word is hard. But there is no other way. Improve, make content better or surrender and slowly cease to exist.

On the other side of story, we have those who take shortcuts. There is always quite a few of them right? They try to get results the easy way and without all of the effort.

They use every trick up their sleeve to get someone to buy something from them. And in Email marketing world that mean unsolicited emails, spam, and a lot of it.

People or businesses behaving like that are the ones that are giving Email marketing a bad reputation. You know, it is very easy for someone to hide behind fake name and to send unsolicited emails to a large non opt-in contact list. There are numerous ways for someone to get/buy contact lists with hundreds of thousands of email addresses where none of those contacts give any permission to send them promotional content. But they don’t care about that. They do it anyway. It’s a numbers game for them. They know they can expect a low ROI so they are trying to make it up with the volume. Unsubscribtion or complaint is not something they care about. And it is a problem for all of us.

EMMARES team wants to improve and provide more efficient way of doing Email marketing. With new emerging technology, we want to restore Email marketing’s reputation and most importantly increase ROI produced from communication channel.

We believe that Blockchain is the new way of doing that. With all of its advantages, we can provide high quality/transparent data for recipients as well for marketers. This means…NO MORE SPAM, JUST THE CONTENT EVERYBODY WANTS!

EMMARES is perfect solution that will improve current state of Email marketing and make it more profitable and less time consuming again.

Stay tuned for more info about EMMARES project and ICO date.

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