Where our heart resides.

Forgiveness cannot be bought. Nor can it be taught.

Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces
2 min readFeb 20, 2016


Though preachers preach every Sunday morning.

At the end of the sermon, our truth comes to the surface.

No one can hide from who they really are no matter how hard they try.

Forgiveness cannot be forced. No matter how many times you beg.

So instead of trying to figure it out, let it be.

If humans are not perfect; make room for disappointment.

We hurt the ones we love dearly in the world.

The ones who love and support us — even through nonsense.

In a world where acceptance is a campaign and not a reality

Why do we take theirs for granted?

I pray that one day I’ll wake up on the right side of the bed.

The left side near the heat of my heart.

Maybe then I’ll care more about the world.

Maybe then I’ll embrace my curves and compliment my other sisters.

As uniquely brilliant as we are; why do we feel the need to compete?

Compete against our brother/sister from another mother and father.

Don’t we know our heritage?

Adam is our great grandfather, and

Eve’s our great grandmother.

Whoever separated us by race, tribe, language and affordability…

Clearly needs an emergency heart surgery!

Check out some of my other posts

How was your day?

Are you in a happy place?

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Sabina Masanabo
Emotional Pieces

The best things in life are often forgotten. It’s about time we remember…