EmpowerChain involved in three 1st places on Game of NFTs

Gjermund Garaba
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2023

The Cosmos Interchain Hackathon, Game of NFTs, was recently concluded, and all five tracks announced their winners. We’re happy to report that EmpowerChain and team members were involved in three out of five 1st places!

As EmpowerChain is getting ready for token launch and Zealy campaigns, the Game of NFT winner announcements were coming in. While we are heads-down focused on the current launch, we feel it is important to highlight that we are Interchain builders — and these prizes help communicate that message. EmpowerChain is built on the Cosmos SDK and connected to the Interchain with IBC because we can all leverage each other's work and succeed together. So, making many different parts of the Interchain succeed is important to making EmpowerChain succeed.

Gravity Bridge ERC721

For the Stargaze and Omniflix track, Gjermund Garaba (our CTO) and Jakub Kobeldys (EmpowerChain tech lead) made an extension to Gravity Bridge to support bridging ERC721 (NFTs) from Ethereum to Cosmos (to Stargaze, Omniflix, etc.). To read up on the technical implementation (including a demo and link to code), see the build here: https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6483.

A simple UI to showcase and test the bridging was also built

The current plan is to finalize and bring this solution to production so that mainnet Ethereum NFTs can securely be bridged to the Cosmos ecosystem. Stargaze is currently discussing a community proposal to fund this development (and the other builders from the Stargaze track): https://gov.stargaze.zone/discussion/12005-ics721-super-team


For the Cosmos Hub track, Gjermund Garaba (still our CTO) and Afrodyta Różycka (frontend dev, different company) made an app (including smart contract deployed on Neutron) to tokenize any assets cross-chain into NFTs. The solution combines many technical aspects of IBC and IBC-enabled protocols, but in the end, you can wrap and standardize non-standard assets in the Interchain. To read up on the technical implementation (including a demo and link to code), see the build here: https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6484.

Screenshot from the NFTokenizer application

The process in which the NFTs are tokenizing assets is described on a high level here:

  1. The user creates an “NFT Slot,” which represents the NFT to be created
  2. The smart contract, as part of creating the NFT slot, creates an interchain account on the counterparty chain
  3. The user deposits any assets they want to tokenize into the interchain account
  4. The user mints an NFT, which is effectively the ownership of the interchain account, thereby locking and wrapping the assets in the NFT.


As part of the previous testing phase of Game of NFTs, and in the current phase, Gjermund Garaba (yes, still the CTO) built a CLI tool to make it easier (for those who can use CLIs) to manage and transfer NFTs across the interchain. This project won second place in the Omniflix track and 7th in the Uptick track. You can find a demo and the code at the build: https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6485

The NFT CLI was made as an interactive CLI that tries to provide simple options and prompts for the user to be able to find and transfer their NFTs.

