Go to Ending Overshoot
Ending Overshoot
Things we need to know and do to chart a sustainable course to a beautiful future. Our pursuit of perpetual growth is a dead end for civilization. It’s time for a new chapter.
Note from the editor

Things we need to know and do to chart a sustainable course to a beautiful future. Our pursuit of perpetual growth is a dead end for civilization. It’s time for a new chapter.

Go to the profile of Dave Gardner
Dave Gardner
Dave Gardner co-hosts the GrowthBusters podcast about coming to terms with limits to growth. He directed the 2011 documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth.
Go to the profile of Jem Randles
Jem Randles
Campaigner on environmental issues, the impact of human population & consumption, for 30+ years. Associated with World Population Balance & Population Counts.
Go to the profile of Dave Gardner
Dave Gardner
Dave Gardner co-hosts the GrowthBusters podcast about coming to terms with limits to growth. He directed the 2011 documentary, GrowthBusters: Hooked on Growth.
Go to the profile of Jem Randles
Jem Randles
Campaigner on environmental issues, the impact of human population & consumption, for 30+ years. Associated with World Population Balance & Population Counts.
Go to the profile of Y.L. Wolfe
Y.L. Wolfe
Adventuring & nesting in middle age. Welcome to my second act. | Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gleDcD | Email: hello@ylwolfe.com
Go to the profile of Karen Shragg
Karen Shragg
Naturalist, author, poet, overpopulation activist . Author of Move Upstream A Call to Solve Overpopulation and Change Our Story Change Our World.
Go to the profile of Kelley Dennings
Go to the profile of Sarah Baillie
Sarah Baillie
Population & Sustainability Organizer for the Center for Biological Diversity
Go to the profile of Jon Austen
Jon Austen
Jon is a writer on environmental issues especially overpopulation. He doesn't wash his hair using shampoo, picks up litter every day and grows french beans
Go to the profile of Mike Nickerson
Mike Nickerson
Author of "Life, Money and Illusion; Living on Earth as if We Want to Stay and other titles. Lives in Eastern Ontario, Canada.
Go to the profile of George Tsakraklides
George Tsakraklides
Author, biologist, exploring our broken kinship with the planet. INFJ born 88 ppm ago. 📚 The Unhappiness Machine. A New Earth. Lexicon of Dystopia.
Go to the profile of Gary Wockner
Gary Wockner
Global environmental activist saving rivers, fighting climate change, supporting population stabilization. Author 2016 book, “RIVER WARRIOR”. GaryWockner.com
Go to the profile of Martin Tye
Martin Tye
Degrowth, sustainable scale & the Steady State economy
Go to the profile of Bayliss Michael
Go to the profile of Barbara Williams
Barbara Williams
I specialise in lobbying the UK government to consider a paradigm shift to show humility and embrace Degrowth objectives. Website https://PoemsForParliament.uk
Go to the profile of Carter Dillard
Carter Dillard
Founder of HavingKids.org, an organization protecting animals, children, and the environment by promoting a human rights-based family planning model.
Go to the profile of Kerala Taylor
Kerala Taylor
Award-winning writer. Interrupting notions of what it means to be a mother, woman, worker, and wife. Subscribe: https://keralataylor.substack.com
Go to the profile of Megan K. Seibert
Megan K. Seibert
Founder of The REAL Green New Deal Project. Systems thinker. Truth-teller allergic to bullshit. Bridger of science & spirituality. Lover of design & aesthetics.
Go to the profile of Marcus Dredge
Marcus Dredge
Marcus is specifically interested in issues of suffering, speciesism, literature, overpopulation, antinatalism etc. He presents The Species Barrier podcast.