Go to Endless Opps
Endless Opps
Opportunities for creators, writers, artists.
Note from the editor

A gift to fellow writers in publication form. Opportunities for creators, writers & artists. Making the world a more equitable, hopeful and accessible place, one submission opportunity at a time.

Go to the profile of Kate Brennan
Kate Brennan
More Humor. More Humanity. Avid Reader. Idea-Generator. Opportunity Matchmaker. The answer to “Did you make that?” is “Yes.” morehumormorehumanity@substack.com
Go to the profile of Kate Brennan
Kate Brennan
More Humor. More Humanity. Avid Reader. Idea-Generator. Opportunity Matchmaker. The answer to “Did you make that?” is “Yes.” morehumormorehumanity@substack.com
Go to the profile of Aishah Ahmad
Aishah Ahmad
Professionally undecided. My career path is a mystery, my writing is (hopefully) not.