If you are using Mac OS X 10.11 or later boot into recovery mode (command+R while booting) and in the terminal disable SIP:
$ csrutil disable
After updating paragonie/random_compat you may get this error. This is caused because version 2.0 stopped using OpenSSL and now it uses /dev/urandom which may not be readable by your PHP configuration. This is…
If you get an error about a conflict between php-mysql and php-mysqlnd when updating CentOS packages after installing and activating the PHP 7.0 remi package source like this one:
To exit maintenance mode in WordPress when an update fails is as easy as deleting the .maintenance file from the root folder. Fixing the update problem is another history...
I’ve started using “Let’s Encrypt” in multiple sites I manage. Just after installing it for this blog I noticed that all images didn’t load because they were originally linked with HTTP.
When you use Doctrine ORM in Symfony all the data is stored in tables having every row the same columns. Storing different type of entities in the same table is…
Create the /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-3.0.repo file with this content:
[mongodb-org-3.0]name=MongoDB Repository…
Here I’ll explain the process to install Android SDK and Tools. There are 4 things you have to install in order to develop Android applications:
If you want to remove a WordPress action that was added in the parent theme like this:
function fusion_insert_og_meta() { ...}add_action( 'wp_head', 'fusion_insert_og_meta', 5 );
First thing you need to do is update to Plesk 12.5 (currently 12.5.30). For that you have to go to Server options, “Plesk->Updates and Upgrades” and then go to “Install or Upgrade Product”. You may get some warnings in case you installed third party modules so you should…