Go to Energizer AAA
Energizer AAA
We post stories all about an app we develop called ConnectDot.
Note from the editor

A team consisting 6 software developers from University of Indonesia. We post stories all about an application we develop called ConnectDot. Enjoy~.

Go to the profile of Ahmad Hasan Siregar
Go to the profile of Rayza Arasj M.
Go to the profile of Yudhistira Erlandinata
Go to the profile of Kautsar Fadlillah
Go to the profile of Aldi Hilman Ramadhani
Aldi Hilman Ramadhani
Computer Science Student — Universitas Indonesia
Go to the profile of Azahra Andani
Go to the profile of Rayza Arasj M.
Go to the profile of Yudhistira Erlandinata