How artificial intelligence will transform the energy industry

Simona Boshkova
Energy Premier Blog
3 min readMar 7, 2018

“If I were starting out today and looking for the same kind of opportunity to make a big impact in the world, I would consider three fields. One is artificial intelligence. We have only begun to tap into all the ways it will make people’s lives more productive and creative. The second is energy, because making it clean, affordable, and reliable will be essential for fighting poverty and climate change. The third is the biosciences, which are ripe with opportunities to help people live longer, healthier lives.” — Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a popular area of study these days. We all know that this term refers to the simulation of the human intelligence by computer systems or some other machines. The AI is the opposite of the natural intelligence (NI) that is displayed by humans and animals. It was found in 1956, and today it has gained a huge success and progress.

Artificial intelligence has a potential to transform many industries, among which is the energy industry. There are many studies that connect the artificial intelligence with the energy industry. It is expected for the AI to change the future of energy.

The energy sector needs to be modernized with the help of the AI. It depends on optimization and predictions: energy production, energy consumption, and balancing. These challenges can be easily solved with AI because of its ability to learn. It is obvious that the artificial intelligence will become one of the main factors in the energy industry.

The electric grids can become better and smarter with the use of artificial intelligence as well. AI can be used for making the electric grids more effective and productive in delivering energy, because, for example, it can know if some battery or other equipment fails. It can make the process of energy exploration easier and more profitable for the people.

Moreover, AI can help people to discover new energy sources. AI has ability to analyze data and this will help for finding energy sources in a more efficient way. With AI, companies can easily monitor the electricity supply and demand at any time. This technology will bring the best solutions for the energy companies.

Today, the energy sector has become a huge and important industry worldwide. The number of distributed energy is big like never before. There are more and more competitors in this sector. That is why the artificial intelligence is necessary in this industry, because it will make all processes simpler and easier for everyone. The future lies in the artificial intelligence.

For that reason, AI also has a crucial role in the Energy Premier platform. Our platform aims to be the next generation electricity trading platform and has capability to use AI for achieving this. We are always up to date with the technology and that’s why the AI can help our project and ideas.

Thank you for reading.

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Simona Boshkova
Energy Premier Blog

Content writer and translator at Editor of Energy Premier Blog. Travel fanatic & coffee lover.