Q2 2023 Product Updates

This year one of our main strategic pillars is to bundle our open-source technology stack into commercial products that are simple to adopt, easy to use, and create material business value for the companies in our ecosystem (and the energy transition at large)

Energy Web
Energy Web
5 min readAug 7, 2023


GP4BTC Certification Platform

  • Green Proofs for Bitcoin is a first-of-its-kind leadership initiative to promote transparency and decarbonization in the bitcoin mining industry. In May we released the GP4BTC registry and platform, which is the first production offering built with the recently released EW Green Proofs solution.

New features include:

Digital Spine Public Release

  • In July we released the Digital Spine Integration Client on Azure Marketplace, in tandem with a public message broker. The Digital Spine is a reference implementation of our Data Exchange solution that helps electricity market participants communicate information about distributed energy resources at scale. Originally developed in support of Project EDGE, the Digital Spine was previously made available as an open-source toolkit which required participating organizations to manually configure and deploy multiple components. The Digital Spine is primarily intended to streamline coordination among grid operators and electricity market participants, but any company working with DER or EV can potentially get value from the Digital Spine solution.

A number of new features are now available:

  • With this release, we are now offering a Digital Spine under a software-as-a-service model featuring a public message broker that companies can integrate with by installing a Client Gateway through an Azure subscription. Once integrated, companies can leverage three preconfigured data exchange applications or customize their own applications tailored to specific business needs. Full details are available in this user guide on Gitbook.
  • Existing member organizations can access the Client for free as a benefit of their membership.
  • Non-members can use the DSI Client and EW-hosted message broker on a limited free trial basis.

Validator Node As-a-Service

  • In June we announced a strategic partnership with Zeeve, a leading Web3 infrastructure-as-a-service platform provider, to integrate the Energy Web Chain with Zeeve’s enterprise-grade infrastructure stack. This collaboration offers Energy Web member companies a managed, secure, and scalable service for running validator nodes on the Energy Web Chain as well as Energy Web’s testnet Volta.
  • Existing EW Member organizations can now start using Zeeve’s IaaS platform to manage their EWC validator node, and learn more here.

Safe on Energy Web Chain

What’s Coming in 2023

EW Software-as-a-Service Platform

EW software-as-a-service is a web application that enables enterprise users to configure, deploy, manage, and access EW Solutions, including custom Green Proofs registries and Data Exchange implementations, via a subscription model. A public beta release of EW software-as-a-service will be made available to existing Member organizations this year.


Energy Web Playground is a no-code workflow editor that will be offered in the EW SaaS platform. Playground will enable enterprise users to create custom workflows related to Green Proofs use cases (e.g. 24x7 clean energy matching) and run them on worker node networks in a sandbox environment.

EW Marketplace

The Energy Web Marketplace is a desktop and web application where channel partners and community users can administer Worker Nodes and enroll them in networks in support of various production solutions. Within EW Marketplace, users will have the ability to configure and deploy Worker Nodes in their own host environment or public cloud, stake tokens and register as qualified service providers, browse available solutions, and manage their nodes’ performance and rewards over time. EW Marketplace will be made available in public beta on a limited basis in Q3-Q4.

About Energy Web
Energy Web is a global non-profit accelerating the clean energy transition by developing open-source technology solutions for energy systems. Our enterprise-grade solutions improve coordination across complex energy markets, unlocking the full potential of clean, distributed energy resources for businesses, grid operators, and customers. Our solutions for enterprise asset management, data exchange, and Green Proofs, our tool for registering and tracking low-carbon products, are underpinned by the Energy Web Chain, the world’s first public blockchain tailored to the energy sector. The Energy Web ecosystem comprises leading utilities, renewable energy developers, grid operators, corporate energy buyers, automotive, IoT, telecommunications leaders, and more. More information on Energy Web can be found at www.energyweb.org



Energy Web
Energy Web

EW is a global, member-driven nonprofit accelerating a low-carbon electricity system through open-source, decentralized, digital technologies.