It Looks Like The Medium Gravy Train Has Hit The Buffers For Me

The “New” Algorithm has tanked my Medium earnings

Paul Walker


Me at work at my writing desk 😛 (Generated by Night Studio AI Art)

Unless you’ve just beamed in by TARDIS from the planet Gallifrey, you’ve likely heard about the new Medium algorithm, which rolled out on August 1st.

Granted, it’s early days. I am sure there are still wrinkles to be ironed out — indeed, Buster Benson specifically mentioned in his Medium Day presentation that there’d be further iterations.

But, in the interests of transparency, I thought it would be interesting to compare and contrast my experience this month to my Medium journey thus far.

I wrote recently about my discomfort with the perceived inconsistencies of the previous way of divvying up the Medium payment revenue sharing pot.

So you’ll know that I neither take earnings for granted nor necessarily expect my run of relative success to continue forever.

How have the first couple of weeks with “the new Medium” been?

Not good…

To cut to the chase, I’m staring down the barrel of a two-thirds reduction in my Medium earnings.

Let me take you inside my Medium dashboard to look at some figures.



Paul Walker

Spiritual traveler, Prog Rock aficionado, Husband, Dad, Retired Anglican Priest figuring out what ‘retirement’ means.