List of 100 Fears I Have Right Now

Where’s your list?

Ava Marcus
5 min readMar 31, 2024


Person wearing a shirt that says, “Fears Kill Dreams” — Jaqueline Fritz
Photo by Jaqueline Fritz on Unsplash

In my bio, I write, “Facing my fear of rejection one story at a time.” There’s more to it than that. I thought most of my fears were connected, but after listing one hundred of them, I realize that many of them have nothing to do with anything else.

The main inspiration for this list came through an email conversation with another creator on this platform. I mentioned a month or two ago that I made a goal for myself, and I want to finish that before moving on to the next thing. I was too embarrassed to tell them I still haven’t met my goal. Recently, this person wrote to me, “Literally think about when your life will ever get less busy. The answer is never.”

This got me thinking. Am I being too rigid about goal setting? Are my fears about various things keeping me from succeeding in life? I made the choice to tackle my fear of rejection. Now I’m making the choice to not let my fears run my life.

What are you afraid of? Will you stay scared, or will you face your fears head on?

List of 100 Fears that I Have Right Now

Writing Fears
1. I am afraid of failing as a writer
2. I am afraid of not succeeding as a proofreader
3. I am afraid of rejection
4. I am afraid of acceptance
5. I am afraid to work for myself
6. I am afraid of Stephen King

Money Fears
7. I am afraid of not having enough money to live
8. I am afraid of not being able to afford what my children need
9. I am afraid of saying “no” too often.
10. I am afraid of not having enough food
11. I am afraid of not having enough food (again)
12. I am afraid of having to take charity
13. I am afraid of declaring bankruptcy
14. I am afraid of having too much money
15. I am afraid of owning a credit card
16. I am afraid of crushing debt
17. I am afraid of being the unsuitable parent because of money
18. I am afraid of being homeless

People Fears
19. I am afraid of drunk people
20. I am afraid of losing my community to divorce
21. I am afraid of creeps calling on the phone
22. I am afraid of casual drinkers sometimes
23. I am afraid of kids setting off fireworks unsupervised
24. I am afraid of Trumpers (If you’ve read this far, the link is worth the click)
25. I am afraid of Elon Musk
26. I am afraid of Q-Anon
27. I am afraid of my heroes being terrible humans
28. I am afraid that people have an old version of me stuck in their heads

Personal Fears
29. I am afraid of failing my driving exam (again)
30. I am afraid of becoming a bitter old woman
31. I am afraid of making selfish decisions
32. I am afraid of losing my children
33. I am afraid of developing health issues
34. I am afraid of being called an unfit parent
35. I am afraid I am a magnet for narcissists
36. I am afraid of my children not having friends
37. I am afraid that psychiatry and therapy are quackery
38. I am afraid of being on meds for the rest of my life
39. I am afraid of wasting my time
40. I am afraid I will not be ready for [x thing] on time
41. I am afraid I won’t be able to keep my children safe
42. I am afraid of not being able to care for myself when I get old
43. I am afraid that I was never really smart
44. I am afraid that I am too careful
45. I am afraid of missing opportunities
46. I am afraid of meeting folks from my old life
47. I am afraid of being called crazy (in not a good way)
48. I am afraid I’m too stressed out
49. I am afraid that being diagnosed with depression gave me an excuse to underperform
50. I am afraid of life passing too quickly
51. I am afraid of not being reliable
52. I am afraid of not being available for my children
53. I am afraid of letting my children down
54. I am afraid of letting myself down
55. I am afraid of being healthy
56. I am afraid of DVT
57. I am afraid of being smelly
58. I am afraid that meds will label me unstable
59. I am afraid that I’m a target for scams
60. I am afraid that I’m easily swindled
61. I am afraid that I am my worst enemy
62. I am afraid that I sabotage my efforts
63. I am afraid of being too weird
64. I am afraid of underperforming
65. I am afraid of spreading myself too thin
66. I am afraid that I’m juggling too many things
67. I am afraid of getting so overwhelmed that I do nothing
68. I am afraid of making bad decisions
69. I am afraid of being arrogant
70. I am afraid of change — even though I want to change
71. I am afraid of being the “mean parent”
72. I am afraid of irresponsibility
73. I am afraid of being taken advantage of
74. I am afraid of being too realistic
75. I am afraid of not being optimistic enough
76. I am afraid of being jaded
77. I am afraid of being attractive
78.I am afraid of my teeth falling out
79. I am afraid of my fears running my life
80. I am afraid that I am awkward

Situational Fears
81. I am afraid of the road between my town and the gas station at night
82. I am afraid of not getting help when I need it
83. I am afraid of taking a solo vacation
84. I am afraid of even just going away for a few days
85. I am afraid of traveling in certain areas alone
86. I am afraid of the results of the US elections in November 2024
87. I am afraid of Israel losing the current war with Hamas
88. I am afraid of Israel winning the current war with Hamas
89. I am afraid of the future
90. I am afraid of carnival rides
91. I am afraid of scary movies
92. I am afraid of being a bad statistic
93. I am afraid of conspiracy theories
94. I am afraid of getting in a car accident
95. I am afraid of becoming handicapped
96.I am afraid of owning a weapon, specifically guns
97.I am afraid of how to protect my children

Animal Fears
98. I am afraid of creepy crawlies
99. I am afraid of real-life rodents
100. I am afraid of snakes

I think I can stay afraid of snakes though.



Ava Marcus
Writer for

Facing my fear of rejection one story at a time.