Time Travel, Weight Loss and Snorkeling

If you’ve heard this one already, let me know, I’ll turn the page

Wm Raff


The delicate gears and workings of a time piece, like a watch.
Photo by Lukas Tennie on Unsplash

When Rui Alves challenged us this January; to “Gaze into the horizon of past and New Year resolutions”, I thought, cool, I’ll take a swing at that. However, New Year’s resolutions are fickle little fuckers. I’ve developed an alternative approach to deal with procrastination, which, by the way, can be a good thing. First, some backstory.

I don’t want to live in the past, so I live in the present and travel back in time. It’s loads of fun with the occasional sleepover.

I’d share stories when our kids and grands came over. “Dad, you should write your stories down.” Finding the beginning pages of my dad’s life story nudged me in that direction. Okay, turning the page.

I had the idea of starting a website and charging for rides in my time machine. You sit at home, put your quarter in (you know what a quarter gets you these days?) and I come by, pick you up, and we go exploring. “On your right.. you can see the crater I left when I slipped off my bathroom scale.” I keep putting off shopping for a website provider, working on a brand, an authors’ platform, and all that stuff. It keeps me away from my time travels visiting the chunks of time I’m hugging onto for dear life.



Wm Raff
Writer for

Pastor turned Atheist. Memorist sorting my exit from religion. Futurist via science fiction. WmRaff.com