Turning Over a New Leaf on New Year’s Resolutions

New Year, new me? Or just plain nonsense

Runa Heilung 🌻


Woman blowing confetti off the pages of an open book.
Image by Paul Stachowiak from Pixabay

New Year Nonsense?

I shy away from trends like making New Year’s resolutions. I buck tradition when it comes to writing and scheduling targeted holiday posts, especially if it means trying to promote or sell something.

You could say that my New Year’s resolution was always NOT to have New Year’s resolutions.

Aren’t I getting lost in the noise if everyone else does it? To my admittance, this sometimes keeps me off the playground, something I am trying to remedy.

My first post on Medium just four weeks ago was not only bucking my trend against trends, but it was also on New Year’s resolutions. Go figure.

Always Interested in Self-Development

Despite my limiting beliefs on taking advantage of trends, or not, as the case may be…(motive and intention are everything), I have always considered myself a person who believes in personal transformation.

My whole life has been one giant adventure (often a struggle) to improve myself. I read nonfiction to fiction in a 20:1 ratio, although I read more fiction books as an adolescent.



Runa Heilung 🌻
Writer for

Old Soul Alchemist. Shapeshifter. I use imagery and imagination as agents of transformation. Owner of pubs: Word Herding, Old Soul Alchemy, and Read Write Love