Are you wasting time using a blog for your newsrooms and press pages?

Jason Kintzler
Engine Room
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2017

You’re not alone. In fact, until now, that’s what most people did. There simply wasn’t an easier way to share news and PR coverage to your website (or your client’s).

That’s why we created Newsboard. Instead of creating blog posts every time you want to share something to your site, how about just “pinning” interesting, relevant content directly to your site?

Newsboard enables you to curate and share the stuff that matters to your brand and your fans. You can share news articles from other sites, content from your own blogs and PR services, Facebook, Instagram and other social posts as well as Youtube videos.

It’s ridiculously simple and light years ahead of what you’re doing now — I can promise you that.

Macy’s Newsboard

By pinning a variety of content, visitors to your “news” page can get a more curated, thoughtful presentation. Check out this YETI Newsboard for example. A good mix of content, coupled with a great design and layout makes for some pretty compelling stuff!

You can also create boards for specific campaigns. Take Pitchengine Standout and Nashville up-and-comer, Ian Munsick, for example. His innovative #OneMinueMonday videos are followed by thousands of his fans and having the ability to curate them onto a single Newsboard is ideal.

Ian Munsick’s Newsboard

Newsboards can standalone — linked to from your own website — or be embedded directly into pages on your own domain.

To get your own Newsboard and start pinning visit today to start your free trial!

Pinning is easy!



Jason Kintzler
Engine Room

Founder/CEO @pitchengine. Challenge. Disrupt. Inspire.