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Enhanced Society
Enhanced Society
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2018

As always we have a lot happening day to day as we continue developing our product, expand our team and strength out connections within the FinTech space.

We’ve begun to share content with local media outlets regarding the project we are working on and are ramping up our

Here’s what we do: Enhanced Society creates Smart Equity to enable startups and SME’s to utilise their most valuable asset, their equity.

Where’s the product at?

The dev team is in full swing now developing the back-end mechanics of the working prototype. In addition we are white labelling the functionality to allow our partners to benefit from the current features that will enable company owners to view a digital ledger of their share registry known by ASIC. With so many great benefits to new and existing businesses, the features just can’t come soon enough.

#opensource is how we roll so grab your fork and enjoy our Enhanced Society GitHub feast!

Links we like:

We are constantly learning and validating our knowledge in this innovative, dynamic space. Here are some links to interesting things we’ve come across this week.

Where you’ll find us

As one Founder returns from a European trip focused on recruiting gun front-end developers, connecting with global Exchanges and checking in on the European crypto front in general…the other Founder heads off on a tour through Southeast Asia spreading the word about Smart Equity and the opportunities it provides for adopting, partnering with and investing in.

We are looking forward to attending the Crypto Sydney Intelligence Traded! meetup tonight. With a great line up of speakers, it’s sure to be an excellent event.

Fun outside the office

Our resident Data Analyst, Belinda Sippe, shared her BigQuery learings at last nights Gold Coast Blockchain Meetup.

Using BigQuery on Google’s ethereum index allows you to do analytics on Ethereum. Check it out, it’s a really cool tool!

Keen to connect?

Sharing ideas around innovation is what drives us on a daily basis. We love connecting with projects locally and internationally so if you want to drop by to see what we are up to, share what you are working on, or simply say hi please get in touch. Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn, www and all that jazz!

