Enjinstarter: Staking, Farming & Tier Benefits

8 min readFeb 15, 2022


Stake in our new staking website: https://stake.enjinstarter.com


There are five simple steps to get allocation for IDOs on Enjinstarter.

STEP 1: Have your wallet KYC-approved.

STEP 2: Buy EJS/WEJS tokens (at least 1,250; for guaranteed allocation, you need at least 25,001).

STEP 3: You MUST farm and/or stake your tokens to participate (using your KYC wallet).

STEP 4: After 3 days, you will be automatically whitelisted for the next IDO. [COMING SOON; To boost allocation size, we will introduce a voluntary whitelisting feature]

STEP 5: Once whitelisted, wait for the results to purchase tokens for IDO

Below is a more comprehensive guide on how to participate in our IDOs.

STEP 1 — Get your wallet KYC- Approved

  • Get your wallet KYC-Approved on Blockpass (do this only once)
  • It takes 24–48 hours to process your application. Wait for the email from Blockpass.
  • If you encounter any issues, you may reach out to @EJS_KYC_support on Telegram or email “helpdesk (at) enjinstarter (dot) com”



How much EJS/WEJS should I buy?

Your IDO allocation depends on 2 factors:

  • The more you stake(higher tier, plus special benefits for top tier)
  • The longer you stake (allocation boost, plus additional benefits)

For a quick breakdown of the tiers and benefits, refer to STEP 3 to see a detailed breakdown of benefits for each staking pool vs tiers.

Buy EJS / WEJS tokens here:

STEP 3 — Stake/ Farm your EJS/WEJS tokens to Qualify for Allocations

Jump to Tier Benefits for:

What if I am in more than 1 pool (whether staking and/or farming)?

  • We independently calculate the allocations and benefits based on the EJS/WEJS in each of the pools you are in (i.e. if you are in more than 1 staking pool).
  • So if you have:

100,000 EJS in 999D pool → you will get an allocation based on 100,000 EJS (Universe tier) with the 999D benefits

And you have 500,001 WEJS in 180D pool → you will get an allocation based on 500,001 EJS (Multiverse tier) with the 180D benefits

We will then sum up your total allocation from all these Staking Pools.

999-Day Staking Pool (999D)*

The allocation examples in the table below ($450 for Multiverse, $16 for Galaxy, etc.) are based on 250,000 platform allocations, 2700 GAP wallets, no voluntary cooldown, and no voluntary whitelist.

*Maximum token withdrawal for 999D staking pool is 1.2M EJS per day.

365–Day Staking Pool (365D)*

The allocation examples in the table below ($450 for Multiverse, $16 for Galaxy, etc.) are based on 250,000 platform allocation, 2700 GAP wallets, no voluntary cooldown, and no voluntary whitelist.

*Maximum token withdrawal for 365D staking pool is 1M EJS per day.

180-Day Staking Pool (180D)*

The allocation examples in the table below ($450 for Multiverse, $16 for Galaxy, etc.) are based on 250,000 platform allocation, 2700 GAP wallets, no voluntary cooldown, and no voluntary whitelist.

*Maximum token withdrawal for 180D staking pool is 4M EJS per day.

88-Day Staking Pool (88D)*

The allocation examples in the table below ($450 for Multiverse, $16 for Galaxy, etc.) are based on 250,000 platform allocation, 2700 GAP wallets, no voluntary cooldown, and no voluntary whitelist.

*Maximum token withdrawal for 88D staking pool is 14.8M EJS per day.

31-Day Staking Pool (31D)*

The allocation examples in the table below ($450 for Multiverse, $16 for Galaxy, etc.) are based on 250,000 platform allocations, 2700 GAP wallets, no voluntary cooldown, and no voluntary whitelist.

*Maximum token withdrawal for 31D staking pool is 12M EJS per day.

Farming Pool

1. Exclusive pools: EJS has special exclusive pools which we do not publicize and open to only our top investors. But now we are sharing this with our 999D stakers, farmers and/or Multiverse tiers.

2. NFT Whitelist Spots:

25,000 EJS/WEJS = 1 ticket. Every month there will be a draw to see who wins the limited whitelist Pre-sale/Private sale NFT spots.

3. Voluntary Cooldown Boost: [COMING SOON]

Right now, you will be automatically whitelisted. However, when the new system is in place, you will have to voluntarily whitelist the project.

If you voluntarily choose NOT to whitelist for an IDO, you will get an allocation boost for the next IDO. This allocation boost does not stack. It is a one-time boost applicable only to the next IDO. It cannot carry over beyond the next IDO.

Say you decide not to participate in IDO 1:

  • Then for IDO 2, you will get an allocation boost based on the staking pool you are in e.g 1.5X boost (farming or 999D).
  • If you don’t take part in IDO 2, the allocation boost can be used for IDO 3 but it is still 1.5X. It does not stack up with the previous boost.

STEP 4 — Apply Whitelist before the IDO [Coming Soon]

Note: This feature is not yet available. Right now, you will be automatically whitelisted and will receive an email for your allocations. But with our new launchpad coming soon, you will have to voluntarily apply for a whitelist.

Do note that EJS will announce when the new upgrade will happen. So stay tuned for more details.

Visit https://launchpad.enjinstarter.com/

2. Choose the project that you would like to participate in (Apply Whitelist will be coming soon; right now it is automatic so no action is needed):

3. Connect your wallet (Trustwallet, Metamask, Rainbow) & click “Apply whitelist” (Apply Whitelist is coming soon; right now it is automatic so no action is needed):

4. One day before the IDO date, we will email you your WL and allocation results but in the future, there will be no more emails. Just go to our launchpad and view all the information on the respective IDO page:

STEP 5 — Allocate Funds to the IDO: [Coming Soon]

Once you have been successfully whitelisted in the IDO, you can now start allocating your funds.


  1. Should I split my EJS/WEJS into 2 wallets?

Not recommended. Splitting your EJS/WEJS into 2 different wallets will give a lower overall allocation size. Stick to one wallet.

2. What happens to the Time Boost in this new scheme?

In the new system, an allocation boost is given based on which staking pool you choose. Starting from February, the time boost will no longer be calculated BUT to reward all our loyal users who have been with us since day 1 of the implementation of the Time Boost and all the way up to the end of January 2022, we WILL factor that into your future allocation calculation.


  • You have to immediately re-stake to keep the time boost alive.
  • If you unstake and then re-stake on a later date, the time boost is gone.

3. Will my unclaimed staking rewards be factored into my allocation calculation?


4. Are there more benefits to farming vs staking?

Farming Benefits are the same as the benefits for staking 999 days.

5. Can I claim my rewards before the staking period is over?

No, you cannot because this is how the smart contracts have been designed BUT we do take into consideration your unclaimed rewards in your allocation calculation and factored in other benefits.

6. How to determine Voluntary Cooldown Boost?

Determining your voluntary cooldown boost depends on the staking pool that you are in. The longer you stake, the higher the allocation boost you get. Please refer to STEP 3.

7. Why add Exclusive IDOs for Multiverse Club, 999-Day Stakers and Farmers?

We understand that the members of our Multiverse Club, 999-Day Stakers and Farmers might be a bit disappointed with this announcement of voluntary cooldown. Don’t worry because we got you covered!

As a sign that we value your contribution to the Enjinstarter community, we are more than happy to announce that you can now take part in our EXCLUSIVE IDOs.

Enjinstarter’s Exclusive IDOs happen around 2x — 3x a month. We did not publicize these IDOs in the past as only our top investors are given the opportunity to join such. We are now welcoming you as the newest members of these IDOs!

8. Will this new launchpad version gives the chance to buy less than assigned?

Yes, but only starting from the 1st-2nd week of March. We need more time to test this feature because we have to create a dynamic smart contract.

Check out our new staking guide here: https://medium.com/enjinstarter/updated-enjinstarter-staking-guide-d92615abc3a0

Should you have any more questions or concerns regarding our staking, farming or anything Enjinstarter-related, feel free to visit bit.ly/EJSfaqs.

You can also reach out to us via our socials to keep yourself updated with our newest releases as we continue to strive to be one of the best launchpads in the crypto space.




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