Google launches Gemini… but again, fails to impress anyone

Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans
Published in
3 min readDec 8, 2023


IMAGE: Google Gemini logo as shown in the Google blog
IMAGE: Google

Amid much fanfare, Google has announced the launch of Gemini, its answer to ChatGPT, describing it as its most ambitious large language model ever. But despite Sundar Pichai and Demis Hassabis’ claims, initial reports suggest it will be as disappointing as Bard.

TechCrunch says “it’s not the generative model we expected”, particularly after the reorganization of all Google’s AI divisions. The Information’s take is that the product “is not yet ready” and “is comparable to what OpenAI launched a year ago”. Equally worrying, the launch saw the company’s share value fall, because “investors know when something is not a big deal”.

Perhaps we all need to manage our expectations. After taking Google a whole year to launch a product in a category it was supposed to be the absolute leader in, and after being overtaken by a well-capitalized startup, unsurprisingly, we were expecting something impressive, different, a game changer. Instead, it has launched a product with three levels, the top one of which, Ultra, will not be available until January at the earliest. In…



Enrique Dans
Enrique Dans

Professor of Innovation at IE Business School and blogger (in English here and in Spanish at