LandWorks’ Billboard Service: A Lucrative Passive Income opportunity in the Metaverse

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3 min readApr 24, 2023

The Metaverse is becoming increasingly popular, and as it grows, there are new opportunities for individuals and businesses to make money. One such opportunity is the LandWorks Billboard Service, which has already shown its potential to be a lucrative passive income stream.

We’ve officially started our partnership with Precision X in early February. LandWorks is a Web3 protocol that enables secure renting of metaverse properties in a decentralized P2P manner. Precision X originates from the real-life Billboard Ad industry. Together we are looking for innovative ways to ease the access for more Web2 businesses to the metaverse.

Our Landlords are playing a crucial part of the partnership as they offer their listed properties to us. By opting in the advertisement program and having billboards placed on their properties., landlords can earn from unique views on that billboard. The income from the billboard is based on the number of unique views accumulated while active, and the reward is 0.025 USDC for each unique view. However, if the landlord holds a Sharded Mind NFT in the wallet that has listed the land, the reward is doubled to 0.05 USDC.

The first month of the Billboard Service has been very productive and profitable for the people that opted in. The unique views of each deployed billboard are tracked by Precision X, and any artificial activity is detected by their anti-fraud system. The corresponding number of these classified unique views is deducted from the total number of unique views achieved for the day. At the end of the month, the rewards from the advertisement are available to claim in LandWorks.

It’s one of the easiest ways to make money in the metaverse. With zero effort, my Billboard revenue for the first month is about $60 USDC. My LANDs are in a high demand premium area and they are usually rented out. But now my passive income is more or less secured. If the LAND is rented, I earn from the tenant, if it’s not — my profit comes from the billboards instead”, says our user Johny who had the biggest single wallet revenue for month #1.

The second month of Billboard ads was more profitable for some and less profitable for others. Apparently the revenue really is a function of the actual activity around the property. If there are major events nearby, that will affect the profit from the specific billboard. If you are closer to a road or highly populated district that might affect it too. The Metaverse Fashion Week 2023 was significantly improved than last year’s edition with Decentraland monthly users doubling during the festival. We’ve noticed a significant increase in revenue from properties around the festival because of that.

Although the service is in an early experimental stage, both our landlords and our team are satisfied with the results. We are now in the phase of figuring the best working model for our clients and partners. They are all eager to join the Web3 revolution and they want to do it on the best terms for all.

LandWorks will be moving this project further as we see the true potential of it developing for the next months and years. As the metaverses grow, more and more industries will find their value proposition in it, and we will be there — adding more features, more billboard service providers, more clients, landlords and revenue to the ecosystem.

If you want to list your first property on LandWorks and start earning passive income from our Billboard service, you can start with this article:

