The Metaverse Times #28

Published in
3 min readApr 8, 2022

Welcome back to this week’s issue of The Metaverse Times, a newsletter where we cover all the latest news and updates surrounding the EnterDAO project, as well as other various bits and pieces going on within the general metaverse ecosystem.

LandWorks v1.10 is Now LIVE

We are pleased to announce that we have officially deployed a major LandWorks upgrade that will make interacting with LandWorks as seamless as possible. Firstly, the LandWorks UI has undergone a major overhaul with the aim of providing a more immersive experience for our users. And secondly, the biggest edition to this upgrade is that LandWorks is now able to facilitate digital LAND from other metaverses. All that’s needed to integrate a new metaverse is a simple governance proposal which will be voted on by the EnterDAO community.

Marriage In The Metaverse

And you thought the metaverse could not provide real world value, anon? Thanks to one of our newest community members, people are now able to get married in the metaverse! Not only are you able to participate in the ceremony itself, but you will also receive a marriage certificate as an NFT. Once we came across this fascinating land, our product lead at LandWorks successfully reached out to the owner of this plot to ask a few more questions and learn more about this product. The creator’s name is Sergey, and he is from an agency in Singapore called MullenLowe. Sergey also mentioned that the metaverse is currently on top of the discussions at various agencies.

Updated Roadmap!

After a very successful first six months of operation, EnterDAO has flourished on multiple fronts, and most notably product development. Thanks to our hardworking team, we have managed to develop and deploy the first version of a Web3 gaming marketplace, as well as a land rental marketplace that aims to help onboard and facilitate the next major influx of gamers from web2 to web3. As we are now at a point where we have the initial versions of our core products live on mainnet, we wanted to provide our community with an update of what we have planned for 2022, and further into the future. Attached is our official updated roadmap crafted by our co-founder Zhivko. We highly recommend the read, and we hope that you are as excited as us for what’s to come.

Mertaverse Bits

Island Radio With DCinvestor

Nifty Island will be hosting their weekly island radio session this Friday at 11:00pm GMT. This week’s edition is an exciting one, as Nifty island are joined by special guest and early supporter DCinvestor. DCinvestor is one of the most well known and respected NFT collectors in the space. He has loads of experience in the industry as well as a broad

Immutable Partners With OKX

Immutable X, the popular Ethereum NFT scaling solution has recently announced an official partnership with OKX. OKX is one of the world’s most popular and largest crypto exchanges currently available. This partnership is a huge plus for the NFT ecosystem as a whole, as OKX now has the ability to offer their community an NFT portal known as ‘MetaX’ that will essentially harness the power of Immutable X’s gasless transactions.

Galleon DAO Launches Cursed Pirates

Galleon DAO is a protocol that focuses on asset management methodology by developing within DeFi by developing never-before seen crypto indices that offer the best returns on crypto assets across the board. Recently the core team unveiled their plan to add NFTs to their war chest by announcing the ‘Cursed Pirates’ project. There is currently no information available about what this collection will bring, however the best way to get involved and learn more is to hop over to Galleon’s community Discord server for now!

To stay up to date on all our products, as well as the latest news and updates, be sure to follow us on Twitter and jump into our Discord server.

