Analyzing Enthusiasm By Using Different Lenses

Zachary Asman
The Importance of Enthusiasm
2 min readMar 4, 2018

Enthusiasm is a skill that many people can use and master to their advantage in the world of business. Although enthusiasm is a very important soft skill, there are many other soft skills that one must familiarize themselves with in order to become successful. Some of these other important soft skills include leadership, responsibility, communication with others and a strong work ethic. One popular advocator of this idea of combining specific soft skills to achieve success is Gary Vaynerchuk, author and CEO of VaynerMedia. Vaynerchuk is a famous blogger who is known for writing blogposts on how to be successful in the business world. In his blog post, “Enthusiasm vs. Action Why You Need One More Than the Other” Vaynerchuk explains to his audience the importance of not only enthusiasm but other soft skills as well. The soft skills he emphasizes the most in his blog post are hard work and a strong work ethic. Vaynerchuk uses specific examples from his own life where he not only needed to be just enthusiastic but other soft skills as well. For example, in his blog post he wrote “I made my business happen, regardless of my personality. That was not the driving force. The driving force was my ability to execute. So, if you only have enthusiasm, it’s time to find a partner or reevaluate, my friend. If you have the action skill set, use it. Use it a lot. And if you want the enthusiasm, go for it.” (Vaynerchuk, 2015) In other words, there are many other skills one must use to help become successful. Although Vaynerchuk used enthusiasm to his advantage, he made sure he was using his other soft skills as well and not relying solely on one soft skill. Vaynerchuk credits his own personal successes as a result of him being able to use many soft skills at a professional level. Instead of only using one soft skill, Vaynerchuk used many soft skills to help make himself stand out from his competition.


Vaynerchuk, G. (2015, March 6). Re: Enthusiasm Vs. Action Why You Need One More Than the Other [Web log comment]. Retrieved March 4, 2018, from

