Make time for your own evolution with DISCOVER ME!

“Discover Me” application’s logo

By mihalis moustakas, Vassia B, Iphigenia Tepetidi, Dimitra Tileli and christianna tsoufi

If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place!

That is one of the most important rules in life. As a team and as individuals we truly value these words and keep them close to our hearts. We all have realized in different times in our lives that we are responsible for our own happiness and fulfillment. That everything we do, say or feel starts from within. So, if we ever want to be better, then we have to take action! When our paths crossed, our common desire for self-improvement sparkled the idea to join forces and create something that surpasses us.

Thinking about what could we offer to ourselves and of course to other people, we began searching for existing tools designed for this matter. In fact, recently there has been an increase in the development of self-oriented applications, highlighting the need for a healthier life. Although, we felt pressured to find out what new and different tool we could offer, at the same time, this motivated us even more.

Discover the beauty in your flaws…

Finally, after a lot of research and work, our team introduces you to “Discover ME”, an application that aims to help you get to your happiest place in life. This idea would have stayed in its primary state, without the constant support and work of every member of this team. Like said in a previous article, the name of the application was inspired by the hidden wholeness inside of everyone. We all agreed that by using this verb, we fully capture the true meaning of self-improvement. It’s not about fixing ourselves, for there is nothing wrong to be repaired. The goal is to accept who we are, to discover our beauty even in our flaws!

Application created with

The users of “Discover Me”, will fall between the ages of 18–34 as, it is widely known that people of the particular age group consist the most drawn-on-mobile-applications, crowd, in addition to spending the most time being occupied by their smartphones. The gender of the customers is not to define, considering the fact, that “Discover Me” and its content, have been created to benefit both men and women, who might be facing every-day challenges and would, probably, like some help, or, maybe, a glimpse of optimism. That said, the “roots” of “Discover Me” ‘s usage by its customers, are going to be some kind of soul-demons, that most of today’s people have, unfortunately, at some point of their life, crossed. Anxiety, depression, anger, low self-esteem and hyperactivity, are of that kind, “Discover Me” is trying to be a relief of.

After giving some personal information, users proceed with NHS’s questionnaire which will provide them with specific suggestions.

What distinguishes “Discover Me” from other similar self-improvement applications is that it offers users a personalized guide, exclusively for the problem each one of them face. We are all one of a kind, so in order to have a healthy approach to self-improvement, it must be unique as well. Being Greek consumers and users ourselves, we have come upon certain difficulties, regarding the language barrier. That is why, unlike other applications that offer their content only in English, this guide will be available in two languages, both in English and in Greek. Users will have the opportunity to receive a content in their native language, so the use of the application seems to them more familiar. The application will mostly contain audiovisual material, as it is suitable for nowadays lifestyle. Furthermore, it will include tests and challenges, which will help users to identify traits of their character and personality, learn about their feelings and reactions.

The goal of creating this self-help application, is, no other than offering to its users, the most constructive composition of elements, for each and every one of them. Thus, “Discover Me”, is offering a customized content, including material of, each costumer’s preference, such as experts’ advice, inspirational videos and quotes, as well as, Tedxtalks, that match their needs. Additionally, a daily reminder with a positive and inspiring message, is set to ring the user’s phone and bring some light and hope, even to his most difficult day. Last but not least, “Discover Me” includes a segment, in which the costumer is able to keep track of his progress, looking back to the challenges he has overcome and being proud of himself.

The most important tool the application provides is a self-identification questionnaire which will allow the users to better understand what they need to improve and eventually guide them to the appropriate content depending on their problem. It is also very important to note that this content is offered in collaboration with psychologists, so that users have access to certified advice and not just tips that they could get from anyone.

An example of content created for a user that struggles with anxiety.

The channels through which we aim to approach our targeted group of potential users are mobile channels and of course social media. For start, we decided to have an Instagram account, since it is a global platform with engaged users and great influence for new brands. Our goal is to inspire people through our content and gain their interest.

Considering the key resources, the company will need, we strategically chose to seek the services of experts such as developers, graphic designers and psychologists in order to build the app and create content as well. The platform that the application will use is very important too. We want to create a strong community for the users, so they can interact with each other or with us, if they are comfortable. Another key resource is users who will contribute content or revenues. The most important resource is the users’ data. The data analysis will help the personalization of the app. We will be able to predict the needs of the users. Last but not least, is the representation of the app by influencers (artists, Youtubers, journalists, politicians, people who will use the application and tell the others how great and useful it is.

“Discover ME” ‘s revenue will originate from advertisements and two kind of memberships, ranging from 12 euros per month to 25 euros (premium). We thought that it will be better to offer users short-term engagements because it keeps things more flexible and less stressful. The application will also notify users for upcoming workshops and seminars, they will like to attend, and hopefully revenue from them will be a complementary source of financing.

The company will build a full collaboration with the Panhellenic Psychological Association in order to create and mentor the app’s content. Kentro Exelixis Rania Thraskia will be a full partner as well. In addition, we will seek cooperation with the Municipality of Athens and their psychological support services. The estimated costs are the reward for the collaboration of an UX developer and for the psychologists who will attend at the workshops and seminars, which will be organized depending on the needs of the users.

Like Paulo Coelho said “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too”. So, make time for YOU!

Discover Me’s Business Model Canvas



Iphigenia Tepetidi
Digital Media Startups  and Entrepreneurial Journalism Solutions

Journalist, MA in Information Society, Media and Technology at Panteion University, Department of Communication, Media and Culture