Attic Lab Contribution to the EOS Blockchain

Attic Lab
Attic Lab
Published in
4 min readOct 21, 2019

During these years of company operations, we have put many efforts in the development and support of many blockchain technologies. Experience of our tech-savvy blockchain specialists has laid a strong foundation for change across many projects, and we are proud to be a part of it. Having comprehensive experience obtained while working in the banking and cryptocurrency industries has allowed us to create a staking service Everstake, which contributes time and knowledge to build what communities need.

In this recap, you will find detailed information on how we strive to improve the existing blockchain space across such projects as EOS, BOS, and Talos. Moreover, you will discover many working solutions created by Attic Lab and Everstake that help communities interacting with these technologies. Enjoy!

EOS Contribution And Block Producing

Attic Lab is on the mission to contribute and develop new tools for all network participants and also to maintain the block producing at a decent level. Our contribution includes the open-source software, education initiatives, translations, plugins, computational resources aid, as well as for analytics tools. And here’s the shortlist of what we have accomplished so far for the EOS community:

  • MyEOSwallet — a truly secure and reliable wallet that allows storing, sending, receiving and delegating EOS. It is also available both for iOS and Android.
  • Offline Voter — a tool that helps to vote for block producers being offline.
  • Munin — set of plugins which help to monitor the RAM, CPU and Bandwidth usage of EOS nodes and accounts
  • EOS CPU Aid — you never know when you will need additional resources to perform actions on the EOS blockchain. Now you can have free CPU resources on demand.
  • Educational Materials — we prepared a plenty of guides that should help users to get familiar with EOS ecosystem, as well as useful tools.
  • Analytics Telegram Bot — now you can get important updates on the go regarding your node and account activities such as status, number of produced blocks and other information.
  • Full History Solution for EOS Ecosystem — we wanted the network to scale in the future, thus we created a reliable database on the basis of SycllaDB / Cassandra.
  • CPU Performance — The fastest EOS BP
  • Free EOS, BOS, and Telos Accounts giveaway

On top of that, we have deployed reliable API nodes for dApp development, upgraded our servers infrastructure so that we could provide higher uptime and performance. We also are actively involved in community education, EOSIO events promotion, and dApp developers consultations.

Our team keeps responsibility towards the EOS ecosystem by participating in EOS governance and development meetings so that we could propose solutions that benefit the whole ecosystem. During this year, we have also made a FREE EOS Account giveaway and attracted more than 8,000 new people to the ecosystem.

Telos Blockchain Contribution

We also actively participate in the life of other blockchain projects such as Telos because we believe that by improving them, we can get closer to the truly secure financial environment. And here’s the list of what we accomplished for Telos:

  • Telos Listing on — Telos was successfully listed on the cryptocurrency exchange on January 15, 2019.
  • MyTelosWallet — Now Telos wallet allows managing digital assets, and at the moment only WEB version is available for use.
  • Telos Node — We have deployed a full Telos Node with a load balancer.

BOS Blockchain Contribution

New projects especially require additional help and contribution when it comes to such sophisticated technologies as Blockchain. During the last months, we have worked closely on the BOS project and were able to roll out some interesting things:

  • MyBOSWallet — we released the BOS wallet which allows sending, receiving, storing, and managing digital assets.
  • BOS Meetup Initiative — considering the fact that BOS ecosystem is not widespread in Europe, we decided to make a meetup in Kyiv, Ukraine.
  • BOS Antifraud Shield — our team has rolled out a proposal which can totally eliminate all fraud related to BOS blockchain.

In conclusion, we’d like to thank everyone who was actively involved in the process of development, education, and event organization. Attic Lab intends to keep a steady course towards new solutions that will be developed and contributed to a variety of different blockchain projects. We’ll continue supporting different crypto-communities all across the globe, providing educational materials to drive mass adoption. We want to thank everyone for supporting the Attic Lab!

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