EOS Radio Weekly Recap: August 26 — September 01, 2019

EOS Radio



🔘 Equilibrium releases their first on-chain voting results: LINK

🔘 Ashe Oro announces the LiquidApps DAPP token is now supported on TokenYield.io: LINK


🔘 The Chintai Team announces Mynt, My Native Token, an end-to-end service for deploying customizable token distribution events on EOSIO blockchains: LINK

🔘 Block.one releases ‘WordProof Puts Content Trusted Timestamping on EOSIO Blockchains’: LINK

🔘 Lynx Wallet announces Bombsweeper, the second free-to-play game on Lynx: LINK

🔘 LiquidApps releases ‘Decentralization Is Inevitable. Will You Be There First?’: LINK


🔘 EOS Radio goes LIVE to discuss ‘TokenYield — How to Track and Manage Blockchain Staking Rewards’: LINK

🔘 TradeStuff releases a development update: LINK

🔘 dfuse releases ‘In the Eyes of a Blockchain Developer: Natanael Prudhomme from LiquidApps’: LINK

🔘 Fred Krueger, Founder and CEO of Lynx Wallet, does a LIVE Q&A on Real Vision Finance: LINK

🔘 EOS Nation releases ‘EOS Hot Sauce Episode 19’: LINK


🔘 Blockstart releases ‘DAPP leasing economy (Pay as you go)’: LINK

🔘 EOS Rio releases SimplEOS v0.9.3: LINK

🔘 EOS Detroit, in partnership with EOS Rio, announces the ‘Travel Reimbursement Fund’ for the EOS Community Conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on October 15–18, 2019: LINK

🔘 TokenPocket announces ‘TokenPocket Pro’ with a built-in Dapp Store: LINK

🔘 Fred Krueger shares the first page of the LynxChain White Paper on Telegram: LINK

🔘 LiquidApps CTO Tal Muskal joins Zack Gall on Everything EOS to discuss his background as a developer and entrepreneur: LINK


🔘 Everything EOS goes LIVE to discuss ‘Alan Howard, Mynt, Blocksburg Update, LynxChain, TokenPocket, and other dApp News’: LINK

In Case You Missed It, Here is last week’s WEEKLY RECAP | LINK

The EOS Radio Weekly Recap is Proudly Sponsored by EOS Nation!

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