Epic Cash GUI Wallet Tutorial

Michael Freeman
Epic Cash
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2019

The Epic GUI Wallet makes it simple to send and receive EPIC. Learn how to setup your wallet and start sending and receiving with this tutorial.

Other step-by-step guides are available for Non-GUI Wallet, Windows Mining, and Linux Mining.

Download and Setup Epic GUI Wallet

You will be able to only download the GUI Wallet installer to use it. Separate epic-wallet and epic-server files are not required.

  1. Download and run the latest Windows or macOS installer here: https://epic.tech/downloads/
  2. Open the wallet application. If you installed an Epic wallet in the past, you can enter your existing wallet’s password.
  3. If this is your first Epic wallet installation, you will be prompted to create a new wallet. Make sure to use a strong password and write down the 24-word seed phrase. Do not share the seed phrase with others or misplace it, or you may lose your funds.
  4. Allow your wallet to synchronize to the latest block, which may take some time. The wallet “Height” will match Epic Explorer’s “Blockchain Height” when fully synchronized.

Send and Receive with Transaction Files

MimbleWimble requires both sender and receiver wallets to be online. Transacting with transaction files require several steps to complete.

To send Epic Cash with Transaction File:

  1. Select “Create transaction file”, input an amount to send, and create a transaction file. You can specify transaction file name and directory to save it in.
  2. Send the recipient the transaction file, and wait for the recipient to send back a transaction response file.
  3. After receiving the transaction response file, select “Finalize transaction”, and drag-and-drop or input the transaction response file. The transaction should complete.
  4. Before finalizing a transaction, you have the option to cancel it at the wallet transaction section.

To receive Epic Cash with Transaction File:

  1. After receiving the sender’s transaction file, select “Create transaction response file”, and drag-and-drop or input the transaction file. You can specify transaction response file name and directory to save it in.
  2. Send the sender the transaction response file, and wait for the sender to finalize the transaction. The transaction should complete within 10 seconds of finalizing.
  3. If there was a mistake (i.e. incorrect amount) or the sender does not finalize the transaction, you have the option to cancel it at the wallet transaction section.

Receive and Send with HTTP Listener

HTTP Listener can be a faster and more convenient method of sending and receiving than Transaction Files.

  1. Open port 3415 on both router and firewall. See How to Open Ports wikiHow guide.
  2. You can check if port 3415 is open and view your IP address at CanYouSeeMe.org.

To receive Epic Cash with HTTP Listener:

  1. Provide the sender with your IP address.
  2. Select “Open HTTP Listener to receive” and select “Start”. Your Epic wallet must be HTTP listening when the sender sends you Epic Cash.
  3. Copy and paste your wallet’s IP address and port number shown on the pop-up from selecting “Open HTTP Listener to receive”.

To send Epic Cash with HTTP Listener:

  1. Select “Send (HTTP/HTTPS)” and input the recipient IP address and port number 3415.

Example of IP address and port number 3415:

  1. Enter amount to send and select “Send”. The transaction should complete within 10 seconds of sending. If the recipient’s Epic Cash wallet is not listening, your wallet will attempt to send the transaction for up to ~one minute before timing out.

