10 Articles About ChatBots and Conversational Commerce That Every Marketer Should Read

Szymon Paroszkiewicz
Epica Blog
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2016

If you work in marketing you should know that there has been an awakening in the force… have you felt it? Messengers and bots are getting increasingly important and you probably should think how to include them in your marketing strategy. Those articles will help you to navigate the new frontier (is this preface sci-fi enough?).

The app boom is over

I’ve selected this article as a first one on the list to motivate you to read the rest of them. Users are fed up with apps and maybe you should look for new ways (BOTS!) to engage users on mobile.

2016 will be the year of conversational commerce

Good starting point / introduction to topic of conversational commerce (#ConvComm). This piece will give you clear arguments why chatbots and messaging is so hot right now. The article itself have tons of great links to other sources.

Conversational Commerce Experience (EpicaSoftware.com)

The Unexpected Ways Chat Bots Could Change Marketing

How to use chatbots for lead generation, growing your brand and reaching new customers. Maybe those ideas are not so unexpected as title suggests, but still worth reading.

A Charge of Bots — The Tech World As We Know It Is About To Be Rewritten

Article is describing why bots are happening right now. Lots of great nuggets like this quote: There’s an interesting leading indicator of when a new industry is about to go mainstream: the limiting factor shifts from technology to design.

Does Conversation Hurt Or Help The Chatbot UX?

Tips on how to decide if your chatbot should provide open-ended conversation or maybe a more closed system with options to choose from. Article asks a number of questions which when answered can provide you with general direction that you should think of when designing your chatbot.

Messenger Platform Lessons from the Facebook Creative Shop

Great insights for marketers from team of Facebook Creative Shop. Case studies of Tommy Hilfiger and absolut Vodka Included. In the matter of fact if you’re interested in bots you should read every post on Messenger Blog.

You can provide rich experience within “simple” IM app

How chatbots are colonizing politics

Chatbots entering politics… New ways to engage voters, gather intelligence and inform people about candidates.

How chatbots help with your marketing efforts

Four ares of marketing communications in which chatbot will perform better than your old tools.

The Non-Technical Guide to Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

A place to start learning about machine learning ;) It’s not strictly about chatbots, but ML & AI are so deeply connected with topic, that i don’t hasitate to include this link on my list.

Why AI will break capitalism

Back to the future, where humans are jobless with unconditional basic income guaranteed. I hope that bots won’t take us there…



Szymon Paroszkiewicz
Epica Blog

Co-Founder of epicasoftware.com, founder of greenparrot.pl. Engaged in exploring and building chatbots and conversational interfaces. szymon@greenparrot.pl