Use to poll students and send links

Pawan Uberoy
Published in
4 min readSep 14, 2020

Hello Dear Reader,

Thank you for following our progress. Today we added a couple of experimental features thanks to requests from the teachers. We want to make them very easy for Students to use. Sometimes it is hard for teachers to know if the link was opened by all the students or not, other times it is hard to get replies on chat without everyone seeing them. is totally inspired by our teachers around the world. We get a lot of feedback so please send us more so we can improve.

One is the ability to send links to the students. You can see when they got delivered and when they open it.

The other one is to poll the students, you can ask them simple multiple choice questions and get the answers back.

To start, go to and click the Start Drawing -> Start Teaching button.

Step 2: Send the invite to the students you want to invite to this class, you can press the invite button on the top right hand corner and copy the invite to send via google classroom, email or calendar invite.

Now each student gets their own individual board. You can see them in the “Grid View” Working on their boards. You can also create groups but that is all covered in another blog.

Create Poll

To create a Poll, Click the New Poll button. Then you can select the students you want to send the poll. From the Actions, select the Send Poll and then the question needs to be formatted just like this:

What color do you like? Blue, Green

The ? and , are very important. They get rendered properly on the student board using that option.

Then Click the Send Button.

The Students get a simple multiple choice Popup on their whiteboards and they can select the answer.

The teacher gets the replies back from each student. See the image below.

Sending Links

If you want to send links to youtube videos or other things to students and make sure they open it. You can use this method too. It sends the link to the student and the teacher gets a notification once the student opens it.

Please make sure you enter the full address https://…

The Student gets a popup on their whiteboard to open the link in a new window. Once they open it, the teacher gets a notification back.

Thats it for this week. Please let us know if you have suggestions and happy drawing. Some links to our other blogs:

