I can’t decide who’s more disgusting — men or women.

Zõmbïē Sølö
Esoteric Mind
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2016

I clean bathrooms at Burlington. I always looked at Burlington as an upstanding establishment, with good workers and a certain type of customer base. Read as — civilized.

Women. Are. Freaking. Nasty.

I always believed women's bathrooms were the cleaner of the two options. I'd only been in the men's room a hand full of times and it always seemed dirtier to me. But that all changed here!

Holy smokes, ladies. Now let me ask you this, would you go into your own bathroom and piss on the floor? No? Well that's weird considering you have no problem doing it in public!

How about all those women and their unmentionables, stuffing it all in places IT DOESN'T GO. Please stop. It's disgusting and you're disgusting. It's not that hard to dispose of something when each stall has a TRASH CAN RIGHT BESIDE YOU. Made specifically for these types of disgusting things!!

And while I'm on topic of the sanitary trash bins, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU STUFFING THEM FULL OF CLEAN TOILET PAPER?! No, really. Someone please tell me. There's a toilet under YOUR ASS. LIFT THAT TWERK MACHINE AND TOSS THE TP IN THERE. It's really not that hard.


And can we please stop shooting rapid fire diarrhea EVERYWHERE? What on earth are you guys eating? Ugh.

The men are gross, too. Don't get me wrong. But no where near as bad. I have a minor beef with whoever created urinals (you know how to aim, right guys?). And if you are going to make something to stand and pee in, make it big enough to catch the pee!! Overflow should never be an issue in my line of work.

I can kind of understand the explosive fragments of crap on your toilets. Men have scary butts. I know this, so I forgive you. Just try to make it inside the bowl, please. It’s a decent size.

But women, I'm disappointed. You guys have no excuse!!


I can only imagine what bathrooms will be like when they're all unisex...

Oh good Lord, please save my soul.

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Zõmbïē Sølö
Esoteric Mind

Sarah || Writing to save myself. Writing to find myself || (handle: esotericmind)