Gente en niveles ( español ↓ )
Panorama real ( español ↓)
The spirit of the Whole debates among a multitude of possibilities, or at least…
We take more than we can when there is no North, we fear that we lack and we want to keep what…
Capacidad de pensar (español ↓)
Definir Dios?
God is everywhere, just as He is, He is the energy that shapes everything and crosses everything…
The margins are shrinking, humanity with its risk of integrity and morality has few resources…
The spirit of the Universe is our shared spirit. We all have something of each other and something of the Whole…
Somos perfectos
Nobody is perfect we say and we forget perfection, we put it as an unattainable challenge…
La felicidad como estado
Guiados por amor
Love is the source of life and commitment among men, of mutual help. Love overcomes every…