Barcelona Trading Conference: Photo Recap

Essentia One
Published in
3 min readJul 13, 2019

These last few days we spent in sunny Barcelona — but no time to rest! Essentia’s marketing team — Olga Trykush, Anna Kunytska, and Kateryna Ponurkevych — were visiting Barcelona Trading Conference, an exciting gathering of great minds of the crypto community.

During the two days of the event, we had an exclusive opportunity to listen to keynote speeches discussing the hottest issues of today’s decentralized market, meet up and discuss the potential partnerships, as well as meet some of the Essentia’s community — which is always a pleasure.

With that said, let’s revisit the memories by looking at whom exactly we got to meet!

The Essentia team together with JuBiter

Was great meeting a member of the Bitpanda team!

Networking with the Keypay founders

Discussing time with softFX

Glad to meet the guys from Changelly!

The Essentia team with the Algoz team

It was a fascinating opportunity for us to spread the word about the Essentia project — its mission and goals for the future, as well as discuss the direction in which the crypto community is moving. During the very fruitful networking time we managed to discuss a few potential partnerships as well, so stay tuned for more information!

If you’re curious about where you can meet us next, you can always find the updated information in our roadshow article here. Ask all your questions in our Telegram channel and see you next time at another event!

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Essentia One

Decentralized data management framework. With one seed, you can control all of your dApps, identities, and assets. Website: